Can I create a link from another site back to my site that will automatically log them in so that I can only display certain products to those customers?

# Create a new customer group (Marketing | Customer Groups).
# Create a generic customer account and set the 'Customer Group' for the account to the one you have just created.
# Go through your catalog and set which products you want to show for this account ('Prices' tab of products - tick or untick the 'Product visible' box for this customer group).
# Copy the 'login.html' file in the '<site>/SiteHtml'* folder.
# Paste it in the root of the site folder and rename it to 'autologin.html'.
# Edit 'autologin.html' using notepad.
# Find the '<body>' tag. You will see:

<body onload="PreloadImages(

# Change this to:

<body onload="SubmitLogin('MainLoginForm');PreloadImages(

# Then search for :


# This should take you to the 'input' tag for the username. Add a value for the username of the account to this tag, for example:

<input type="text" value="accountusername" name="USER" size="20" maxlength="60" />

# Then search for:


# This should take you to the 'input' tag for the password. Add a value for the password of the account, for example:

<input type="password" value="accountpassword" name="PASS" size="20" maxlength="60" />

# Close and save the file.
# Add the autologin.html file to 'Design | Additional Files'within the software.
# The link to use on the referring website should be set as per this article and point the DESTINATION value to the autologin.html page. When clicked on it will display the login page with the username and password field already filled in and then automatically bounce them into the store.
# You could edit autologin.html further to hide the input tags and just display a message if you wish.

* With the introduction of v10.0.3 of the software, the location of the 'SiteHTML' folder has changed. From this version onwards upon installation the user will be prompted for a location to install this folder, if the default is accepted it will appear under your operating systems user profile folder "All Users\Application Data\Actinic v10\<site folder>\SiteHTML"