A file is included in the installation directory (C:\Program Files\Actinic vx) " called 'actinic_main.php' that includes PHP functions used within SellerDeck. We don't recommend that you edit this file but if you want to create your own PHP functions you can create your own file called 'siteincludes.php' in the 'site' folder which will automatically be included by actinic_main.php. This will then not be overwritten if/when you upgrade and will also be included in snapshots.
* Where x denotes the version number.
NOTE: All versions after v11.03 will have a file path of 'C:\Program Files\SellerDeck xxxx'.
* Where x denotes the version number.
NOTE: All versions after v11.03 will have a file path of 'C:\Program Files\SellerDeck xxxx'.