The example below is for three radio button choices, you will need to create three new variables and edit one of the 'General User Definable' layouts, in this example the 'General User Definable1' is used.
Please go to 'Design | Library | Variables' scroll down to 'Site', right click and select 'New Variable'.
In the 'Name' field enter: -
Give a suitable 'Description' in the relevant field and a 'Prompt' of something like 'What is the first checkout radio button option?'.
In the 'Place Of Setting' area tick the 'Site' tick box and remove the tick from the tick box 'Allow <Use Parent> as an Option'.
Change the 'Panel Name' selection to 'General' and ensure that 'Type' is set to 'Text' and the 'Allow Empty Value' tick box is ticked and click 'OK'.
Create two further variables called 'SecondOptionPrompt' and 'ThirdOptionPrompt' editing the 'Name', 'Description' and 'Prompt' field accordingly.
Then go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and scroll down to 'Checkout Prompt' and double click on the layout 'General User Definable1'.
Copy the code below: -
and replace all of the code within the 'General User Definable1' layout and click 'OK', and close the library
Then go to 'Settings | Site Options | General' and under the 'Site' area you will see three new questions: -
What is the first checkout radio button option?
What is the second checkout radio button option?
What is the third checkout radio button option?
Enter the values you want to appear against the radio buttons in the checkout and click 'OK'.
Then go to 'Design | Text' and click the 'Go to' button enter a 'Phase' of 4 and an 'ID' of 0 and you will be taken to the 'General User Definable 1' prompt, you can then enter the required text in the 'Current Value' field (it will appear as the 'question' for the radio buttons), it is currently set to 'How did you find our site?' and click 'OK'.
PLEASE NOTE: If you require more than three options, you will need to create a new variable for each option, and within the 'General User Definable1' layout you will have to add a new table row for each option. Additionally you will need to edit the 'block if' condition at the top of each table row to change the variable contained to the newly created variable for that option.
Please go to 'Design | Library | Variables' scroll down to 'Site', right click and select 'New Variable'.
In the 'Name' field enter: -
Give a suitable 'Description' in the relevant field and a 'Prompt' of something like 'What is the first checkout radio button option?'.
In the 'Place Of Setting' area tick the 'Site' tick box and remove the tick from the tick box 'Allow <Use Parent> as an Option'.
Change the 'Panel Name' selection to 'General' and ensure that 'Type' is set to 'Text' and the 'Allow Empty Value' tick box is ticked and click 'OK'.
Create two further variables called 'SecondOptionPrompt' and 'ThirdOptionPrompt' editing the 'Name', 'Description' and 'Prompt' field accordingly.
Then go to 'Design | Library | Layouts' and scroll down to 'Checkout Prompt' and double click on the layout 'General User Definable1'.
Copy the code below: -
HTML Code:
<tr> <td> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22GeneralPrompt001Required%22%20%2f%3e"><span class="actrequired"></actinic:block> <Actinic:Variable Name="GeneralPrompt000"/> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22GeneralPrompt001Required%22%20%2f%3e"><span class="actrequired"></actinic:block> </td> <td> <input type="radio" name="GENERALHOWFOUND" size="40" maxlength="255" value="<actinic:variable name="FirstOptionPrompt" />" /><actinic:variable name="FirstOptionPrompt" /> </td> </tr> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22SecondOptionPrompt%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" > <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type="radio" name="GENERALHOWFOUND" size="40" maxlength="255" value="<actinic:variable name="SecondOptionPrompt" />" /><actinic:variable name="SecondOptionPrompt" /> </td> </tr> </actinic:block> <actinic:block if="%3cactinic%3avariable%20name%3d%22ThirdOptionPrompt%22%20%2f%3e%20%21%3d%20%22%22" > <tr> <td> </td> <td> <input type="radio" name="GENERALHOWFOUND" size="40" maxlength="255" value="<actinic:variable name="ThirdOptionPrompt" />" /><actinic:variable name="ThirdOptionPrompt" /> </td> </tr> </actinic:block>
Then go to 'Settings | Site Options | General' and under the 'Site' area you will see three new questions: -
What is the first checkout radio button option?
What is the second checkout radio button option?
What is the third checkout radio button option?
Enter the values you want to appear against the radio buttons in the checkout and click 'OK'.
Then go to 'Design | Text' and click the 'Go to' button enter a 'Phase' of 4 and an 'ID' of 0 and you will be taken to the 'General User Definable 1' prompt, you can then enter the required text in the 'Current Value' field (it will appear as the 'question' for the radio buttons), it is currently set to 'How did you find our site?' and click 'OK'.
PLEASE NOTE: If you require more than three options, you will need to create a new variable for each option, and within the 'General User Definable1' layout you will have to add a new table row for each option. Additionally you will need to edit the 'block if' condition at the top of each table row to change the variable contained to the newly created variable for that option.