v7 and earlier
Enter the following code into your product layout template (normally called Act_ProductLine.html) after where it says 'NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML'...
Enter e-mail address to tell a friend <input type=text value="" size=40 onchange="var thisloc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';if(this.value != ''){location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take a look at '+thisloc+'&body=I saw '+thisloc+' and thought you would be interested.'}"><input type=button value="OK">
Please Note: The above code should appear in a single line.
Enter the following code into your product layout template (normally called Act_ProductLine.html) after where it says 'NETQUOTEVAR:TEMPLATEENDXML'...
Enter e-mail address to tell a friend <input type=text value="" size=40 onchange="var thisloc=location.href + '#NETQUOTEVAR:PRODUCTANCHOR';if(this.value != ''){location.href='mailto:' + this.value +'?subject=Take a look at '+thisloc+'&body=I saw '+thisloc+' and thought you would be interested.'}"><input type=button value="OK">
Please Note: The above code should appear in a single line.