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Snapshot will not save

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    Snapshot will not save

    It seems that suddenly I cannot save my snapshot .
    I get get this error:

    There was a problem with the database

    Operation: Executing the query ' SELECT Product.*, [Catalog section].[Section text] INTO tempOrphanDuplicateQuery
    FROM (Product LEFT JOIN Product AS ProductParent ON Product.sOriginalProdRef = ProductParent.[Product Reference])
    LEFT JOIN [Catalog section] ON Product.nParentSectionID = [Catalog section].nSectionID WHERE (((ProductParent.[Product Reference])
    Is Null) AND ((Product.nProductType)= 1));'

    Database name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Actinic v8\Sites\Bluebird\ActinicCatalog

    Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.

    Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate

    Operation must use an updateablequery.

    The operation was aborted.

    There is 1 Warning
    There are 19 Errors
    There is 1 Fatal error

    Anyone, any ideas?


    Sounds like a deleted product has left behind some traces and is causing the issue. Try closing and restarting SellerDeck, close and select "Compact Database" but not a snapshot. Restart SellerDeck then try a snapshot.

    It may open and place orphaned files into a temp section at the bottom of the content tree - these can be investigated to see what they are... I always delete and rebuild them if required but often they are obsolete products that did not delete correctly.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes



      Sorry don't have Compact database on my version V8.
      Have removed any products by undelete and then cut.
      Snapshot still shows same result.



        Actinic Will not open!!!

        Spent all day Sunday running disk check.
        After 8 hours I was finally able to save the site snapshot then test by creating a new site.
        Import the snapshot and all was OK!
        This morning turned on Laptop and an then update started.
        Now I cannot Open the Actinic programme.

        This message:

        Actinic failed to open the database DSN=ActinicCatalog8.
        The database may be corrupt or the version may be newer than expected.
        This prevents Actinic working.

        The error was:

        Cannot open database '(unknown)'. It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
        Driver's SQLSetConnectAttr failed

        Please refer to the troubleshooting section in the MU Installation and User guide for possible solutions.

        Your system isn't configured correctly and Actinic cannot function. This is normally caused by the database components currently installed, and is acknowledged by Microsoft as a problem (see

        In most cases it can be corrected by installing the latest copy (at least version of "Microsoft Data Access Components" or "MDAC" which can be downloaded from Microsoft. MDAC 2.6 is also supplied on the on Catalog install CD. If need to download it from Microsoft, click on the first link below to open your browser at the relevant page, and then follow the appropriate links.

        After installing the new version of MDAC you may have to uninstall and then reinstall Actinic to obtain full functionality.

        If you require any further assistance please contact your vendor. Contact details are available by clicking on the second link below.

