It seems that suddenly I cannot save my snapshot .
I get get this error:
There was a problem with the database
Operation: Executing the query ' SELECT Product.*, [Catalog section].[Section text] INTO tempOrphanDuplicateQuery
FROM (Product LEFT JOIN Product AS ProductParent ON Product.sOriginalProdRef = ProductParent.[Product Reference])
LEFT JOIN [Catalog section] ON Product.nParentSectionID = [Catalog section].nSectionID WHERE (((ProductParent.[Product Reference])
Is Null) AND ((Product.nProductType)= 1));'
Database name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Actinic v8\Sites\Bluebird\ActinicCatalog
Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.
Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate
Operation must use an updateablequery.
The operation was aborted.
There is 1 Warning
There are 19 Errors
There is 1 Fatal error
Anyone, any ideas?
It seems that suddenly I cannot save my snapshot .
I get get this error:
There was a problem with the database
Operation: Executing the query ' SELECT Product.*, [Catalog section].[Section text] INTO tempOrphanDuplicateQuery
FROM (Product LEFT JOIN Product AS ProductParent ON Product.sOriginalProdRef = ProductParent.[Product Reference])
LEFT JOIN [Catalog section] ON Product.nParentSectionID = [Catalog section].nSectionID WHERE (((ProductParent.[Product Reference])
Is Null) AND ((Product.nProductType)= 1));'
Database name: C:\Program Files (x86)\Actinic v8\Sites\Bluebird\ActinicCatalog
Table 'tempOrphanDuplicateQuery' already exists.
Action: Contact your Actinic reseller or Actinic Support as appropriate
Operation must use an updateablequery.
The operation was aborted.
There is 1 Warning
There are 19 Errors
There is 1 Fatal error
Anyone, any ideas?