Sorry if this is duplicated but there doesn't appear to be a definitive answer for this, I too have 'Addthis' to my site. It does not make the software run slow when editing, but I swear to god it is making my website run as slow as a snail
There is nothing wrong with my server on anything like that at all, but having read the KB for this, it is 4 years old and I'm not totally sure if it remains. Below is the code I have
Can someone guide me out of this - apart from me deleting the lot as it is becoming a nightmare for smartphone access I have to say
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There is nothing wrong with my server on anything like that at all, but having read the KB for this, it is 4 years old and I'm not totally sure if it remains. Below is the code I have
Can someone guide me out of this - apart from me deleting the lot as it is becoming a nightmare for smartphone access I have to say
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