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Intermittent Filter Problem

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    Intermittent Filter Problem

    I have a Brands section on my main website, populated by a filter, with a drop-down list of Brands. This has been working fine for some time, since Sellerdeck introduced filters.

    I upgraded to the latest V 12.0.4 a couple of weeks ago, checked all was working fine.

    I have now found, by chance, that sometimes the Brands section only shows the top two brands in the drop-down list. Re-uploading the site seems to correct it, but 30 minutes later the error is back. Whether this is just since the last upgrade or not I do not know, as it is intermittent, as it could have happened previously without knowing.

    I am mystified as to why this should be an intermittent error, and why the top two brands. Any ideas?


    Is there anything special or different about the 3rd brand ... is there any special characters in there (! # $ % ) that could be killing it. Have you tried removing the 3rd brand and seeing if the rest populate correctly.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      No that

      Thank you Jonty for your suggestion. I have checked the list of brands, and the third on the list is Andre (no punctuation, no accent). None of the brands in the list contain any special characters; I made sure of this when setting it up some time ago, as I had previously had a parsejson error in another filter section, and removed any special characters, punctuation marks, etc from everything relevant in an attempt to stop the error.

      The error was back when I checked a few minutes ago, published to web and the error went away. It seems that I have to make frequent checks and publish to web much more often than usual. I am pretty sure that this was not happening before upgrading to 12.0.4 (ie, OK with 12.0.3).



        12.0.4 has largely sorted out most of the earlier filtering issues with Sellerdeck randomly changing filter values. It would be worth having a word with Hugh in support. In the meantime, switch off preview in content view and select the home page when uploading or snapshotiting..
        Jonathan Chappell
        Website Designer
        SellerDeck Website Designer
        Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
        Graphicz Limited -


          Thanks will do

          Thank you for your reply, which I am acting on. By-the-way I have 12.0.4, and didn't notice the problem before 12.0.4!!


