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PCI Compliance

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    PCI Compliance


    We're using SellerDeck 2014 on a server hosted by eukhost and use PayPal and Nochex as payment providers. The server was (I'm told) a PCI compliant server but they had not enforced PCI compliance, until recently.

    When they enforced PCI compliace we suddenly found that we could download orders but we couldn't communicate with the server using ftp. This meant we couldn't amend the website. It would have been nice for eukhost to tell us but they didn't. Luckily in trying to solve the issue with their support team they mentioned the PCI compliance enforcement and realised this occurred at the same time we were unable to ftp.

    We asked eukhost to migrate us to a non PCI compliant server as we don't store any sensitive data and use external payment providers.

    However, now we've done this PayPal are moaning that Instant Payment Notifications (IPN) are failing. Not only that, we find that payments for our PayPal orders are not being seen and hence orders stay in the 'Payment Pending ...' tab. We now have to check every order to see if the payment has been made to PayPal or not.

    I'm sure someone out there has a website using SellerDeck 2014 with PayPal as a payment provider who are not having this issue, so what am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance for any advice or suggestions.

    There are a couple of things you could check:

    1. There is a knowledge base article called "I have PayPal and my orders are downloading into Pending Payment service provider" about making sure the necessary modules are installed which can be found here:

    2. V14.0.2 enabled support for an alternative method to IPN called Payment data Transfer. The details, again, are in the knowledge base article called "Configuring 'Auto Return' with PayPal" and can be found here:

    If you're using 14.0.2 (or later for anyone else reading this) you should check what method you have set up and ensure paypal is configured correctly.

    First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



      Thanks for the suggestions and links; I'll try them out.

