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Upgrade misery 18.2.2 to 18.2.3

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    Upgrade misery 18.2.2 to 18.2.3

    Could do with your help guys, as SD support seems to have abandoned me since last Wednesday.

    To cut to the chase, upgraded the site (non Swift) from 18.2.2 to The upgrade worked well, but every time we tried to print a doc, it crashed.

    Completely removed v18 and started again.

    installed a clean version of 18.2.3 on three separate pc's all running windows 11 pro. Just using the default data on a basic site1, every machine crashes as soon as you try to print. (They all use a different local printer).

    Tried all the fixes that SD recommended, in the registry, HKEY_CURRENT_USER panel, repairing Access runtime etc. but nothing has changed.

    In the end, removed every molecule of v18 from the main machine, so I could re install 18.2.2 and at least get business running again. Now I am having a problem installing v18.2.2

    Coming up "Source file not found: It is looking for AppData\Roaming\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeckv18\

    I cannot find any trace of this .cab file that it is looking for. Can anyone shed any light on this?

    I did manage to get 18.2.2 working on another machine for now, so at least we can get some business going, but all suggestions are welcome.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	AppData-Roaming.png
Views:	95
Size:	14.7 KB
ID:	557369
    Attached Files
    Dave O'Neill
    O'Neill Vintage Ford

    Is this happening after importing a snapshot or on the installation of a fresh 18.22 or 18.23?

    Ed Harrison - Menmuir Scotland


      Hi Ed

      Originally, it happened when I ran the normal site upgrade to 18.2.3, but the same happens whatever process I use.


      Dave O'Neill
      O'Neill Vintage Ford


        Do you use Microsoft One Drive?
        Jonathan Chappell
        Website Designer
        SellerDeck Website Designer
        Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
        Graphicz Limited -


          Feeling my way here, but...

          If you extract (copy it into a different folder first) it is basically a snapshot of a default SD site. Renaming it .acd doesn't work but extracting and pasting into a new SD site and it opens. So basically not site specific.

          If you have 18.2.2 working elsewhere you will have
          C:\Users\Username of other PC\AppData\Roaming\SellerDeck\Sellerdeck v18\\
          on that machine.

          Try copying that .cab file into
          C:\Users\Dave2\AppData\Roaming\SellerDeck\Sellerdeck v18\\
          Please do copies of folders and files first in case of disasters and you may have to play with permissions to be able to copy into AppData.

          OK - this is my guesswork so no warranty express or implied!

          BTW if you DO have One Drive EXCLUDE Sellerdeck from it!
          Jonathan Chappell
          Website Designer
          SellerDeck Website Designer
          Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
          Graphicz Limited -


            Hi Jonathan

            Thanks for jumping in on this. (we don't use One Drive)

            This is what I don't understand, I was already going to do that, but looking in the Roaming folder on the live machine, that .cab file is not shown. Could it be a hidden file somewhere?

            Click image for larger version

Name:	Screenshot-AppData.png
Views:	78
Size:	10.4 KB
ID:	557375

            Dave O'Neill
            O'Neill Vintage Ford


              I'll post a copy for you to download when I get home.

              Sellerdeck weirdness strikes again!
              Jonathan Chappell
              Website Designer
              SellerDeck Website Designer
              Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
              Graphicz Limited -


                We have v18.2.2 running and looking at that folder... we only see the same 3 text files... no *.cab file - maybe this is there only when installing?
                - I think our demo site is unpacked to : C:\ProgramData\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\Versioned\\Original



                  No warranty express or implied!
                  Jonathan Chappell
                  Website Designer
                  SellerDeck Website Designer
                  Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                  Graphicz Limited -


                    Following on from zgap111

                    Have you got as far as having a Sellerdeck v18/Sites folder ?

                    Assuming SD is closed

                    If so, and if there s no Site1 create one and copy C:\ProgramData\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\Versioned\\Original into it.

                    If there is, rename it BAK or something and create a new Site1 folder and copy C:\ProgramData\Sellerdeck\Sellerdeck v18\Versioned\\Original into it.
                    Open SD
                    Jonathan Chappell
                    Website Designer
                    SellerDeck Website Designer
                    Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                    Graphicz Limited -


                      At Last! it installed.

                      I added the .cab file that Jonathan sent to the AppData\Roaming folder and it installed immediately.

                      Thanks for all your help guys! Much appreciated.
                      Dave O'Neill
                      O'Neill Vintage Ford


                        Excellent - another miracle.

                        There are a couple of good links for when the software is being awkward - both Gary:



                        Best wishes
                        Jonathan Chappell
                        Website Designer
                        SellerDeck Website Designer
                        Actinic to SellerDeck upgrades
                        Graphicz Limited -

