I have my site setup using a subdomain (www.something.domain.co.uk) but my email address is setup without the sub section (name@domain.co.uk)
I have my domain and email setup on 1and1 and use auth.smtp.oneandone.co.uk in Actinics network setup, no user pass etc.
My domain is forwarding to a Heart internet server ip address. Long story but basically, 1and1 servers wont work with Actinic payments. The site is now working great APART from emails, both to the store owner and to the customer.
I have tried setting it to localhost and although the test passes and the customer gets emails, the 'you have orders wiating to be downloaded' email isnt working.
My test (with the auth 1and1 settings) fails with the message;
Actinic Mail Test completed successfully
server: passed
connection: passed
sockets: passed
communications: failed
authorisation: passed
message: must be authenticated
Im assuming its the fact that my email address differs to my web address because of the extra word on the subdomain. Does anyone have any ideas?!
I have my site setup using a subdomain (www.something.domain.co.uk) but my email address is setup without the sub section (name@domain.co.uk)
I have my domain and email setup on 1and1 and use auth.smtp.oneandone.co.uk in Actinics network setup, no user pass etc.
My domain is forwarding to a Heart internet server ip address. Long story but basically, 1and1 servers wont work with Actinic payments. The site is now working great APART from emails, both to the store owner and to the customer.
I have tried setting it to localhost and although the test passes and the customer gets emails, the 'you have orders wiating to be downloaded' email isnt working.
My test (with the auth 1and1 settings) fails with the message;
Actinic Mail Test completed successfully
server: passed
connection: passed
sockets: passed
communications: failed
authorisation: passed
message: must be authenticated
Im assuming its the fact that my email address differs to my web address because of the extra word on the subdomain. Does anyone have any ideas?!
