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Popup problems, etc.

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    Popup problems, etc.

    I'm having problems with popup pictures. For example, one of the products had an old picture on it, so I added the new picture, uploaded the site and Reloaded the page, but it still showed the old picture. I repeated the process - this time removing the popup picture and un-ticking 'Generate Popup Page' and it was actually removed from the website, which was good.

    I then put the new picture back on again, ticked 'Generate Popup Page' and uploaded and Reloaded, but it now doesn't recognise that there is a popup, so won't show it to me. I've tried putting the old picture back on as the popup again, but it still doesn't think it has a popup.

    I'm also finding that I sometimes have to delete a product and re-create it from scratch to get it to display the picture in the product list on the website correctly.

    It seems to have a memory or what's gone before and is unwilling to 'lose' that memory, however many times I upload the site and Reload the page that is displaying on the website.

    Does anyone know what might be causing the problems?

    Many thanks
    Sarah Prisgrove
    No. 1 South African Shop
    5 Marlow Drive
    BH23 2RR

    V11 changed extended info pages / popups, see here, here and here.


      Let us know the URL of a faulty page and what should / shouldn't be there. Then someone can look. If they get the proper page, then it may just be browser caching at your end.
      Norman -
      Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


        Hi guys

        Thanks for the replies.

        I've checked the Links Tab and that was an issue. I've sorted that out and uploaded the site again and it does show me the popups now, but some of them are still old pictures.

        On this link:
        the 2 Crosse & Blackwell mayonnaises on the 2nd page, should both show the same popup, but the 750ml still shows the old one.

        Thanks again.
        Sarah Prisgrove
        No. 1 South African Shop
        5 Marlow Drive
        BH23 2RR


          Thanks so much for letting me know.

          This whole caching situation is quite a challenge, isn't it?

          We had malware put on our site last year and many customers still couldn't use the website for weeks or months after it had been resolved. It was horrible!

          btw, I see that one can thank people in a bigger way than saying thank you in the body of the text, because I see the 'Thanks' and 'Thanked' under people's names, but I can't see how to offer my thanks in this way. Please let me know how to do so.

          Thanks a mill'
          Sarah Prisgrove
          No. 1 South African Shop
          5 Marlow Drive
          BH23 2RR


            Please look at another example for me at:


            If you scroll down 2 pages, you'll see the other problem that is prompting me to delete products and re-create them, where I just get that tiny generic image in the middle of a too-big box. This is replicated in the popup page too. I've tried re-creating the picture and using the new one, but to no avail.

            Would this require some re-coding like I saw on some of the links from peblaco?
            Sarah Prisgrove
            No. 1 South African Shop
            5 Marlow Drive
            BH23 2RR


              Your page is showing missing images due to characters in your folders and file names for example ampersand & and an apostrophe.


                It's all making sense now. I knew about not having spaces in the names, but hadn't realised that the ampersands, etc., were also a problem.

                Thanks so much.
                Sarah Prisgrove
                No. 1 South African Shop
                5 Marlow Drive
                BH23 2RR

