I am also having a problem with my email ; I've tried putting in localhost, have checked paswords several times and still get the message:
The computer you specified as your mail server is not a valid mail (SMTP) server. Check the computer name or address and try again. If it fails again, then it is possible, you were locked out by a firewall program, or you don't have network connection to this server.
When I run Test everything else is fine. Any suggestions please as I am stumped - don't think it's a firewall problem as I've not had a problem in the past 2 years and nothing has changed...
Many thanks for any help / suggestions
I have just had what I'm assuming was the same problem at my site www.s4online.co.uk
Anyway test would get all the way to the end and then fail with a permissions error to name but a few.
I logged into my server and saw 3 files in my cgi - bin on my webfusion server. All of them had permissions set to 644 i.e no one could execute them.
I manually set them all to 755 and ran the test network again from Actinic and now the test passed fine.
Just hope this helps someone else!
BTW I contacted webfusion to see if it was their fault, some security setting that forced 644 on the uploaded scripts. They blamed Actinic, but they would wouldn't they. I'm still no closer finding out why just glad the tests were passed.