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    Tax inclusive ok, what about trade prices?

    Hi guys,

    Chris, have managed to get the tax inclusive prices to display in the list, and add a new column for "trade prices ex vat"


    I need to diplay trade prices in the end column but...

    All products on my site have a trade price which i enter on the prices tab for each product, they are not generated. (If we did have a set 50% or whatever for trade discount i could copy and modify the code for displaying retail inc vat and get the desired result)

    How does actinic generate registered cusotmer prices when logged in?
    I have been looking at the design library and i see a layout for PriceListRetail - can i make a PriceListTrade or PermutationPriceTrade? Also i would need to hide these prices from non registered customers.

    Any ideas on this?


    p.s Dave, I checked out your site and like the look of the buy buttons down the list, I am going to try the readme on adding prices to buttons (see ) to see if this will display the associated product prices for trade and use your method for placing the buttons in the list, it might be my only option if my ideas above are nonsense, wish me luck...


      Al - I've put an answer to this in


        Originally posted by domino1
        Chris: I've done exactly that on a new site I'm working on in V8.

        The following link shows the result...

        I've stopped the push button grid from being displayed and added the buy button to the attributes and price table. It seems to work fine but if there's a good reason I shouldn't have done this I'd like to know about it. Would appreciate it if you could take a look.

        Plugnplay: Pending Chris's response I'll try and put a post together explaining the steps.

        The illustration you have given (very nice looking site by the way) is very similar to what I am trying to achieve and I hope somebody can point me in the right direction.

        The difficulty I face is that our products also have components and therefore we can not have attributes also However, we want to list two separate prices for each product. Example - take a look at a computer on our site here...

        We would like to have two pricing options available for each product (a retail price and a trade price) PLUS the drop down options below (Office, warranty etc)

        How can this be achieved?

        Help me Obi Wan...


          Hi Ben,
          Rather than showing two prices, it sounds like you need a discount structure for trade customers. In this case you'd presumably want them to log in to see the trade price otherwise you'd be showing trade prices to everyone.

          I don't have any experience with this but I imagine one of the other guys on the forum or one of the Actinic guys could better advise you.


          PS Thanks for the positive comments!


            Positive comments - no worries, it's a lovely clean looking design.

            Trouble with trade pricing option is you need 'Business' version of Actinic to get that and it's another £625 my customer would rather not spend. Just wondered if there was another way of doing it.

