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v7 pages on web site

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    v7 pages on web site

    I have noticed that some of the v7 generated pages are still live on my web site, slightly corrupted-

    Presumably they shouldn't be. Is the sensible thing to remove all the files in the Actinic folder (I'd do this via Dreamweaver) and then upload the shop again?

    I wonder if this is part of the reason I'm having problems with the 'next button. See thread

    Anyone any thoughts on this please.
    Last edited by janeread; 21-Oct-2006, 09:23 AM. Reason: difficulty uploading image so changed to URL link
    Jane Thurnell-Read
    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

    yowzer, that bg image really is causing hassle.

    When you installed v8 did you upgrade to 8.01 or straight to 8.03?

    Do you have the html saved outside of actinic at all?

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      I installed v 8.0.2, building a shop from scratch - I did not import anything from v7 shop. I then upgraded to 8.0.3. All this was done in test mode. I then went live with the v8 shop

      but I left v7 running on the other computer while I tested out v8. The v7 pages displayed fine before the v8 site went live. I had assumed (naively??) that the v7 files would be purged online, but it's clear that it has overwritten pages with the same URL but left the others not live but corrupted.

      So what do I do now?
      Jane Thurnell-Read
      200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

      500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


        Hi Jane

        Have you done a purge and refresh under Help | Troubleshooting, if this fails to work i would seriously recommend you delete all the files on your website and do a complete upload.

        If you have old V7 files hanging around it could cause you problems with your site, and not be very user friendly for your shoppers.



          Hi Jane me again

          may i also suggest that you go into network settings and change you perl script number (CGI Script ID Number) it is probably at 1 change it to 2 or 3 it makes no difference but you site will then update all the pages to use the new script number and any redundent pages still using ID 1 will return a script error.

          This could possibly help correct the errors posted in the other thread as you are using a new set of scripts.



            Hi Darren,

            thanks for trying to help me sort this out. The CGI script ID number is already set at 2.

            Will it be Ok to delete the files via Dreamweaver?Should I delete the folder 'acatalog' as well as all the folders and files in it?
            Jane Thurnell-Read
            200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

            500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


              Hi Jane

              If it is already at 2 change it to 1 or 3 it makes very little differrence, i actually use these to form my order numbers.

              I have never deleted files via dreamweaver, i use an ftp utility, filezilla is good and free.

              Any way, i would suggest you delete the contents of you acatalog folder and delete the script files in your cgi-bin, Be careful you may have other server files in there so only delete the ones for actinic. (in the format of

              Have you tried the purge an refresh option yet, do this 1st before you try the other methods.



                Hi Darren,

                I realy apreciate you taking the time to help e.

                I understand about refreshing the web site, but the only purge I know is the purge under the housekeeping tab - is this what you are referring to?
                Jane Thurnell-Read
                200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


                  ah just found the purge function - OK I'll do that next
                  Jane Thurnell-Read
                  200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                  500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


                    OK, done the purge and refresh.

                    The rogue v7 pages are still there.

                    As to the other problem (people getting error messages during checkout - possibly only when using FF, although I haven't established this for certain). I don't have FF so I can't try this out. Could someone use FF to place an order and see if they get an error message through the checkout process)

                    The shop is at

                    I appracite any help and feedback on this

                    Jane Thurnell-Read
                    200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                    500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


                      getting error messages during checkout
                      Im getting a cookie error in Firefox which is preventing me ordering - check your pivacy settings.


                        it's set as 'basic'
                        Jane Thurnell-Read
                        200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                        500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips


                          to get rid of the v7 pages the best solution is to delete all the html files from within acatalog

                          personally I agree with Darren, go get yourself Filezilla it will be useful for the future - otherwise delete using DW.

                          Then do another update.


                            The V7 pages might just be cached, could you post the URL for one of them, someone can check it then.

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                              here's the URL of one of the v7 pages:

                              Jane Thurnell-Read
                              200 Plus Weight Loss Tips

                              500 Plus Health And Happiness Tips

