Wonder if any one can help, we have online site that you have to register to purchase from, so we use Product>Prices>customer groups and put the price in there.
But how ever hard i try I can not get it to give a price inclusive of VAT,
Under site options>layout>product>price lay out> standard tax inclusive price
but it does not affect customer goups, so all customers see their prices with out VAT and that does confuses people
please help,or any ideas
regards Alan
Wonder if any one can help, we have online site that you have to register to purchase from, so we use Product>Prices>customer groups and put the price in there.
But how ever hard i try I can not get it to give a price inclusive of VAT,
Under site options>layout>product>price lay out> standard tax inclusive price
but it does not affect customer goups, so all customers see their prices with out VAT and that does confuses people
please help,or any ideas
regards Alan