During preparations for launch of my site I have noticed that some images dont show. They show on my machine and the machine at home. I use another machine with the same web browser and Presto, some of my images vanish. These images are held in the same folder as all the others I am using and others display fine. Then if I look again the following day some that weren't, are and some aren't were. It is clearly something I have done, after all I do have the capacity to reduce the TV wall in a major store to blank screens just by conversing with the guy trying to sell them. I'm new to most of this and wondered if anyone had a similar experience when starting out. I have checked the image box in the product screen and they match apart from their individual id
EG: C:\site1\imagefolder\consumablespare\0035.jpg
EG: C:\site1\imagefolder\consumablespare\0035.jpg