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Google Analytics Ecommerce Tracing Problem in V8.

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    Hi Donna,

    In v8 you can set the overall layout your checkout used in 'Settings | Site Options | Layout' area. If you want to make changes to the individual pages involved in the checkout, then go to the 'Design' tab, here you should see 'Select Page Type', use the drop-down to select the particular order or receipt page you want to add the funnel tracking code to.

    This can also be done in 'Design | Library | Layouts | Web Pages Inner Layout'.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Apologies to anyone who read the long and confused post. I have decided to try some simpler questions.

      If I want to set the checkout layouts, using
      Settings | Site options | Site | Checkout pages,
      to a layout that has no outerlayout then which ones do I get to choose from?

      I thought I had one, but they all seem to include an innerlayout element within them. Logic would seem to suggest that they would then have an outerlayout element.

      Or do all these layouts have an innerlayout element within them, even when they have no outerlayout element?

      How do I view the code of the innerlayout element? Since this is where I understand I must put the lovely GA code put up in this thread. I can view the code up to a point where it says innerlayout but whenever I click on it I get dialogue boxes, not a view of the code that makes up the innerlayout

      Last edited by compendia; 07-Feb-2007, 10:58 AM. Reason: lets start this again.
      Compendia Traditional Games and Puzzles
      Wooden carrom board handmade in the UK


        Originally posted by Bruce
        Hi Donna,

        In v8 you can set the overall layout your checkout used in 'Settings | Site Options | Layout' area. If you want to make changes to the individual pages involved in the checkout, then go to the 'Design' tab, here you should see 'Select Page Type', use the drop-down to select the particular order or receipt page you want to add the funnel tracking code to.

        This can also be done in 'Design | Library | Layouts | Web Pages Inner Layout'.

        Kind regards,

        Hi Bruce - thanks it was all my mistake - still had ssl ticked and you can't have that in trial host, so didn't upload properly. Doh!

        Anyway not that is sorted I now have to try to crack the GA code - without which no point in me taking V8 as it works fine in v7..... so I need to take the outer layout off my receipt page but if I look in the places you have show above I cannot work out how to run an inner layout only receipt page. Helpdesk suggested I design my own layout with only an inner layout and select that. Am trying to work out how to do that at the mo with advanced user guide ( ) but when you select the receipt page layout you have an outer and an inner option and there is no option to not select an outer layout .. would I put my layout with an inner only here ?? Am I making this too complicated? Please point me in the right direction - or tell me that version 8.05 is coming out with the code in it or a receipt page with an inner layout only



        Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


          select the receipt page layout you have an outer and an inner option
          make sure you have selected the use reciept layout in site options this will give you a completely separate reciept layout and you just paste the GA code after the inner layout. Works fine for my sites


            Originally posted by RuralWeb
            make sure you have selected the use reciept layout in site options this will give you a completely separate reciept layout and you just paste the GA code after the inner layout. Works fine for my sites
            Thanks for this - can you guide me as to where I select that - I can't see anywhere that gives me that option? Cheers D

            Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


              settings \ site options \ layout


                Sorry to be a pain I realise this must be really annoying but I am looking there and I don't have a receipt page layout in the site section? Is it a selection for one of the other layouts or am I looking to set the receipt page layout. Cheers D

                Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                  Hi Donna,
                  I'm struggling with exactly the same thing. Soon I'm going to give up and have a beer and begin struggling again tomorrow.

                  Compendia Traditional Games and Puzzles
                  Wooden carrom board handmade in the UK


                    In v8 you can set the overall layout your checkout used in 'Settings | Site Options | Layout' area. If you want to make changes to the individual pages involved in the checkout, then go to the 'Design' tab, here you should see 'Select Page Type', use the drop-down to select the particular order or receipt page you want to add the funnel tracking code to.
                    Its the same place as Bruce siad to look - its there, not much else I can do?



                      To do what Malcolm advised go to 'Design | Themes | Advanced Theme Configuration (button)| Page Layouts | Advanced Page Configuration (button)' and scroll down to 'Receipt Page'. Here you can select the required layout.

                      Kind regards,
                      Bruce King



                        I've looked in my settings / site options / layout tab and I don't have a receipt page layout section. The checkout page only gives me style options such as executive which is what I use. If I go to the design tab I can look at the receipt page and amend it but it has an outer layout? I haven't changed the set up as per your last post as my setting / site options / layout tab hasn't got it - has this been changed in the current release??

                        Sorry to be so useless but I just can't fathom it out.


                        Chief bunting supplier to Take That!


                          Its always been the same as far as I can remember - you may have done something else that has removed the layour selector.


                            Provide a screenshot Donna, you are probably looking at this incorrectly.


                              This is what I have done

                              This is what I have done.
                              Gone to settings / site options / layout and chosen a new layout for the 'checkout pages layout.'

                              I have chosen 'one header bar, one side bar horz nav bar.' That's because it seemed to fit with my site and I couldn't see that it had an innerlayout/outerlayout issue, but I might be wrong.

                              Then I went to 'Design' tab, and for 'Select Page Type', I went to 'Receipt' and put in the two pieces of code as detailed earlier in this thread.
                              I can't report on whether it has worked yet, I need a day for the analytics to come through.

                              However I do think that choosing a different 'checkout pages layout' is the beginning of getting it right.

                              Maybe tomorrow I'll eat my words. Until then, beer.
                              Compendia Traditional Games and Puzzles
                              Wooden carrom board handmade in the UK


                                Google code displaying


                                I Was wondering if anyone could give me some guidance - I've input the new google tracking code as per the advice here (Thanks to all) will need to wait to see if I've managed to solve the inner outer layout problem .... but my pixel is displaying and I can't get it to disappear. Any help greatly appreciated.

                                Also please note if you run a separate ssl then you need to change all the http: to https: and the google analytics to as per Dave's guide thread.



                                Chief bunting supplier to Take That!

