Finally have made some time free to start dabbling with V8 - must say I like it (famous last words) 
One feature that I've come across, which I haven't seen mention of anywhere else, nor mention in the help, is my A8 seems to close itself down after a prolonged period of non-use.
At first I blamed the cat, thinking it had run across the keyboard in my absense, and shut the program down, but its happened several times since.
To clarify, I come back to the PC after say an hour of non-use, and A8 has closed itself (any other running apps still happily there).
Is this a security feature?
Do I have a ghost?
or what?
Martin K (located: North London)

One feature that I've come across, which I haven't seen mention of anywhere else, nor mention in the help, is my A8 seems to close itself down after a prolonged period of non-use.
At first I blamed the cat, thinking it had run across the keyboard in my absense, and shut the program down, but its happened several times since.
To clarify, I come back to the PC after say an hour of non-use, and A8 has closed itself (any other running apps still happily there).
Is this a security feature?
Do I have a ghost?
or what?
Martin K (located: North London)