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V8.5 Shipping

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    V8.5 Shipping

    Rebuilding a v8 site from scratch as a replacement for an existing site currently in v8.0.4 that came up through v4, v5, v6 and v7.

    Thought I would be able to export shipping from v8.0.4 and import into v8.5

    When I try this, the dialog indicates success, the error messages are benign (zone already exists - true, I am doing a replace and the zone does already exist. ditto on class).

    When I then select a zone/class in Business Settings | Shipping & Handling I get the attached error and Actinic shuts down.
    Attached Files
    Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
    BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
    Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
    VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
    Located: Alexandria, EGYPT

    I had this issue last week with a v7 site I had previously imported into v8.0.1 and v8.0.4.

    To resolve I opened SimpleShipping.mdb in the original v7 shipping subfolder and deleted all bar the first line of the shipping bands. Snapshot the site in v7 and imported into v8. This allowed the import to work in v8.5.

    Thought it was me and that site but obviously a bug in there somewhere.

    SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


      Since these were customised zones and classes, I tried the trusted Actinic method of 'run the import again'.

      I may have found the problem. For the first zone, there are two shipping classes. v8.5 now shows those two classes, but also a third. The first of the genuine classes has a correct shipping table. When I tried to switch to the next class Actinic closed with no error message. I will continue to work on this.

      correction - it shows one genuine class and two which should not exist.

      Any attempt to highlight either 'should not be there' class results in a crash, so cannot delete.

      I will work around this by overwriting the shipping database with the v8.5 original and manually reconfigure the shipping from scratch.
      [end edit]
      Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
      BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
      Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
      VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
      Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


        The site I had issues with also had user modified zones and classes.

        Hopefully someone at Actinic can take a look at this?

        SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


          Have just imported another v7 site with modified shipping into v8 with a warning about improper zones and classes. Actinic then dies. Copy and pasting the shipping tables from default opens the site but all my layouts and CUSTOMVARS are missing in the upgraded site ... there was no option to upgrade or keep the design when importing (I guess it must have died prior to reaching this point) but opens perfectly with the default theme and everything else there (but no CMV's)

          I am currently trying to apply a default shipping set in v7, export and import into v8 to see if the user variables (CMV's) are now brought forward.

          SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


            Applying the default shipping rules inside v7, exporting a snapshot and importing into v8 bypassed the shipping table error and proceeded to upgrade the site and CUSTOMVAR's appropriately.

            Looks like the database was updated previously but the design side was getting the default theme applied when it crashed thereby losing any design changes and user variables.

            This was certainly not happening in any of the releases prior to v8.5 (even the alpha release accepted the same v7 ACD with no fuss)

            SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


              Just wish I had had this site available to use as a test during the 8.5 beta. Every site I did at that time was using standard shipping zones EXCEPT my own site EWL which has highly customised Zone tables.

              The two differences
              EWL uses weight based tables - the problem site uses value
              EWL was upgraded in place, the other is a new build and I have been trying to import the data.

              I will do a snapshot import 8.0.4 to 8.5.0 and see how the same site fares.
              Text directoryWorldwide Actinic(TM) shops
              BC Ness Solutions Support services, custom software
              Registered Microsoft™ Partner (ISV)
              VoIP UK: 0131 208 0605
              Located: Alexandria, EGYPT


                Originally posted by wjcampbe
                When I then select a zone/class in Business Settings | Shipping & Handling I get the attached error and Actinic shuts down.

                I'm trying to set some zone shipping charges and I get the same problem as Bill in that Actinic just shuts down.

                Anyone know what I might be doing wrong. We want to set fixed shipping charges for three areas - UK, North America and Rest of EU


                Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels


                  Hi Sally

                  It looks like the shipping database may be corrupt, like it has been suggestd earlier in the thread I too suggest that you reimport the original database and start the shipping configuration all over again.

                  The shipping database(SimpleShipping.mdb) of site is usually located in C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites\Site..\ShipControl replace that with the original from C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Original\ShipControl .

                  Please let us know how it goes

                  Kind Regards
                  Kiran Chandran
                  Technical Support - SellerDeck

                  Further help can also be found at


                    Thanks Kiran, I'll give it a go.


                    Fashion Jewellery Wholesale - Glitzy Jewels



                      Having just imported the same v7 site into v8.5.0 (to use the marketing tools in v8) I have experienced the same crash with regards to the shipping table.

                      Looking inside "ShipControl" I see an additional file "SimpleShipping.ldb" which shows as Microsoft Access Record Locking Information ... copying files from a default install removes the error and the site loads.

                      Nowing nowt about databases is this cause of the crash and if so can it be resolved with editing SimpleShipping.ldb .. or deleting?

                      SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                        Nowing nowt about databases is this cause of the crash and if so can it be resolved with editing SimpleShipping.ldb .. or deleting?
                        I'm afraid not. It looks like Actinic sometimes has trouble upgrading pre-existing shipping data to work with all the new shipping functionality.

                        Could I ask you to maybe work through this with support as if there is a bug there, it would be good to get to the bottom of it.

