Rebuilding a v8 site from scratch as a replacement for an existing site currently in v8.0.4 that came up through v4, v5, v6 and v7.
Thought I would be able to export shipping from v8.0.4 and import into v8.5
When I try this, the dialog indicates success, the error messages are benign (zone already exists - true, I am doing a replace and the zone does already exist. ditto on class).
When I then select a zone/class in Business Settings | Shipping & Handling I get the attached error and Actinic shuts down.
Thought I would be able to export shipping from v8.0.4 and import into v8.5
When I try this, the dialog indicates success, the error messages are benign (zone already exists - true, I am doing a replace and the zone does already exist. ditto on class).
When I then select a zone/class in Business Settings | Shipping & Handling I get the attached error and Actinic shuts down.