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Protx initial test error

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    Thanks Bruce

    But I still get the same error message when I set

    my $sPassword = 'testvendor'

    Protx confirmed that I should have the proper encryption password in the pl file and that the one I was using was correct but it doesn't seem to be being sent to them




      Cracked It!!!!!

      Ended up reporting this one to Tech Support but thanks to Natalie noticing that the snapshot I sent her didnt have the right info in the protx pl file I checked out the registry and think I have found the problem in the registry but in doing so I have found a 2nd problem

      1 The SiteFolder setting in the registry key - HKLM\Software\Actinic\Catalog8\Sites - was set to C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Actinic v8\Sites when it should have been set to D:\Program Files\Actinic v8\Sites - i have now reset it to the location it should be (where the rest of the program was installed)

      2 When you increment the occ ini file it overwrites the protx pl & html files with default ones - i have had to recopy them back after the upgrade - i have attached the occupgrade.log file showing this

      This was the correction/workaround for me - but surely the following is wrong?

      A if you are meant to update the templates then increment the ini file it should not overwrite them afterwards

      B i know you can redirect the location of the sites folder in v8.5+ but surely the default location should be within the program folder not the all users profile???

      I am waiting for feedback from support but we may have a couple of bugs/"features" here that people might need to note as this will affect other payment methods as well as other multi-site installations

      I hope this helps someone

      Regards and thanks for all your input



        Hi Jane,

        With v8.5.1 you can choose to install the sites folder in an alternate location but this is defaulted to 'My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites'. The rest of the installation is within the 'Program Files' area, including the 'OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC' folder within which reside the master copy of the OCC template and .pl files.

        The changes you make in C:\Program Files\Actinic v8\OCCUpgrade\CommonOCC will reflect in every site licensed after that hence the need to increase the ini file number here.

        Now your present 'Site1' which is the site that you operate resides in C:\Documents and Settings\Userxxx\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1 and you need to enter the appropriate values within C:\Documents and Settings\Userxxx\My Documents\Actinic v8\Sites\Site1\CommonOCC

        Hope that makes it clearer.

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          Defaulted to All Users

          Hi Bruce

          When I installed v8.5.1 I accepted the defaults without realising but the program put the Sites folder under the All Users Profile which took some finding


