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    I thought this was a forum rather than an instant messaging/chatroom. Tried to pick something out of Pinky and Perky’s exchange with no success . My thanks to Jo, prompted me to look at the properties of each page only to find Page Name and Page Title are blank hence software is obviously regenerating the name each time.

    I’m an Actinic newbie and naively thought that when using the Sage Link, there would be no need to manually input these. This requirement rather kills the ‘automatic’ benefits one would have thought would be there.

    Would be interested in hearing the official Actinic line, if only to confirm we have not missed something we should have done/be doing.


      I’m an Actinic newbie and naively thought that when using the Sage Link, there would be no need to manually input these. This requirement rather kills the ‘automatic’ benefits one would have thought would be there.
      in truth there is no need to input your own page names, i feel it is preferable as it gives you control and you can give the page an SEO friendly name.

      Additionally when you delete pages/sections you know what the name is to redirect the delete page back to the site.


        would be no need to manually input these
        This IMO is one of the major benefits of Actinic - perhaps that is why your client has had no sucess with the website.


          I like this feature too, although if they insist on separating each word, they should be doing it with a "-" and not an "_". It would also be nice to see an option to choose whether to use "-" to separate words or to CamelCase.

          One of the biggest failings in this area IMO is the fact that there are 3 tabs when you create a new section, everytime i see a site someone has created themself, they have never changed the Page Name, Hardly ever filled in the Page Title and the META fields are always blank.

          The General Tab should have:

          Section Name:
          Section Image:
          Page Name:
          Page Title:
          META Description:
          META Keywords:

          all on view and as these are the most important fields, they should be the first fields you see. There should never be the option to set up a new section without being forced to see and accept these fields.

          A user friendly case study on this software would find a lot, when software is designed for both complete newbies and developers, it should never have such failings. I hope once the bug fixing calms down, they look into these aspects of the software. 8.5 is now verging on being a great piece of software IMO and they need to add some useability and user-friendliness to ice the cake.

          No piece of software in 2007 should allow a newbie to create a page name like this, without ever having seen it:


          If it's aimed at people with no experience and building their first ever site, it should never allow that.


            No piece of software in 2007 should allow a newbie to create a page name like this:


            If it's aimed at people with no experience and building their first ever site, it should never allow that
            Agreed BUT at least Actinic does allow you to modify it - others dont.


              Totally agree Mal, there are so many aspects where they are "good" or "very good" and just a little bit of thought away from "great".

              I always feel very strongly on things like this, it's probably due to having been a consultant for 6 years previously, responsible for ridding these type of failings.

