Originally posted by Solent Cables
The issues raised are simple to resolve and I will consult direct with Mark away from the public forum. In response to current comments=>
1 Consistent search layout => 5 minute fix.
2 Image on front page of 'young lady' (bird?? not pc!) => client request, I like it.
3 Bank images => resize 5 minute fix
4 Cart colours => 5 minute css tweak
5 Animated gif => change from £25 to FREE if client requests. Disagree it is annoying, using good design principles, animated should be used sparingly to grab attention not to overkill or 'because we can'. I strongly believe this achieves its aim.
6 1024 monitor break => Malc, no sign here, is you PC on the blink?
7 BG colour FF vs IE => the old DECLARE EVERYTHING CORRECTLY to FF. A # missing in the CSS
8 Cart layout => will be reviewed upon client instruction
9 About us link => as point 8
10 Address addition => as point 8
11 Logo/SEO => as point 8
Just to confirm, site management is not under LOS control and any changes and/or additions are made outside of our control.
That said, in line with our SLA's we do offer FREE SUPPORT and if our client requests any formal repairs, these will be undertaken.
Thanks for your critique guys.