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error on checkout

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    Have you raised this with support as yet? If not please do so.

    Kind regards,
    Bruce King


      Hi Bruce .. I think this Paypal / session locked/session init thing is hand in hand so I better get support to have a good look at it.

      I sent a copy of the network setup files over to Kiran Chandran hopefully he can shed some light onto what is happening. I have a site in v7 which I did for a client months and months ago and it has never had this glitch.

      It needs fixing pronto as I know that at least one customer tried three times to pay and managed it on the fourth attempt .. not good! Who knows how many other orders I am losing?

      I tried it again this morning, got to pay at PayPal (which went through ok) and THEN got the error .. so didn't get as far as bouncing back to the receipt page.




        Would be interested to know if you tried the suggestion made on another thread with regards to changes in ''?

        Kind regards,
        Bruce King


          hi Bruce .. thanks for that, I hadn't noticed the posting, will try it and see.



            huzzah ..

            well... that seems to work better. So thanks for pointing out the bit and thanks to all who have followed this rollercoaster.

            there is only one other thing which now happened .. after the PayPal > pay > payment confirmed .. the 'return to merchant' brought me back to the home page and the cart was still showing the order value and contents. Didn't do that before.

            What do I do to ensure that the customer returns to a thank you page (I think I can do that bit) but an emptied cart?


              Hi David

              In the Actinic Advacned User's Guide for V8(available for download HERE) there is a topic "Emptying The Cart When People Leave The Checkout" see if that helps resolve the issue with the cart not emptying.

              Kind Regards
              Kiran Chandran
              Technical Support - SellerDeck

              Further help can also be found at


                You might want to check out the reply on this thread too

                Kind regards,
                Bruce King


                  emptying cart .. after PayPal .. not cancelling the order

                  thanks all .. we're nearly there I reckon, but the Advanced guide talks about emptying the cart at checkout if they decide to cancel the order. That's fair enough .. but this isn't the problem here .. my site is still showing cart content when the order has been placed and paid for and when clicking the 'return to merchant' from within paypal they come back to the home page .. but the cart still shows the order.

                  They aren't cancelling it (don't want to give them the chance!) they've already ordered and paid at this stage .. but I see potential for double ordering or simply confusion insomuch as they see the order (as if it hasn't happened .. when it has)

                  hope that makes sense ..!


                    Hi David

                    Have you manged to get this sorted or is it still occuring. Please let me know so I can do some checks and then get back to you.

                    Kind Regards
                    Kiran Chandran
                    Technical Support - SellerDeck

                    Further help can also be found at


                      I haven't had chance to do any more with it .. but by dabbling into the file and commenting out paypal line it now avoids the script errors. Nothing else was altered though and a customer paying with paypal and then clicking return to merchant is poped back to the home page (which is ok for now .. though I want to send them to a thank you page in due course) .. but the cart still shows the contents.

                      I only tested it once after updating the ActinicConstants file, but it allowed problem free order, paypal transition,paypal payment and return .. it's just this cart thing which is bothersome.

                      Please feel free to make a test purchase (which I'll refund immediately) .. the filters are the cheapest(!) put TEST everywhere so I know it's you!

                      If you can figure this out, or suggest an alternaitve route which doesn't bring those session init errors back, it would be brilliant.

