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Upgrade to 8.5 Crashes on Refresh

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    Upgrade to 8.5 Crashes on Refresh

    This is frustrating.

    - Currently V7.5MU; upgrading to V8.5MU.
    - Installed latest version of 8.5
    - Clean snapshot from 7.5
    - Checked that there are no coding errors

    But when I set the website to "refresh", Actinic crashes whilst uploading "Account Settings" on the "checking catalog line".

    I'm pretty sure the V8.5 upgradwe went fine, and I can create a clean 8.5 snapshot

    Anyone had this happen to them?


    Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

    tutor2u on Facebook

    tutor2u on Twitter

    I too am having the same problem.

    I have spent the last two months redesigning my site for V8 and am now close to finishing.

    The crash seems to always happen on upload or during a snapshot after I have changed something and reset duplicates.

    I lost so many days work this week as I have been unable to take a snapshot after changes and have had to import an old snapshot just to get the site working again.

    I am getting concerned about how reliable this product will be if I go live with it.

    Has anyone experienced this issue with an 8.5.1 upgrade. Should I upgrade and be plagued with a new set of problems?



      I have just upgraded to V8.5.1 to find that it wrecks my templates (which could be sorted) however the change to the product reference is not acceptable for my site as it displays the reference differently for product duplicates. I use the product reference heavily within my layouts which now look messy with the reference being prefixed with 1!

      I am now moving back to V8.5.0 and hope that the crashes do not continue.

      I am now starting to think that I have wasted 2 months working with software that I am unable to use.

      My Actinic cover is due soon and I am not sure that I am prepared to renew.



        however the change to the product reference is not acceptable for my site as it displays the reference differently for product duplicates. I use the product reference heavily within my layouts which now look messy with the reference being prefixed with 1!
        I suggest you report this directly to Bruce who is looking into a similar problem with two of my snapshots.

        I found that importing the snapshot twice fixed my problem.


          My big mistake was renewing our Actinic Business MU Cover (very expensive too!) just before starting the upgrade process.

          My instinct is to revert back to V7.5 for 6-12 months, and begin the process of looking for a replacement for Actinic.

          I have just wasted a whole (sunny) weekend trying to make what should be a simple upgrade process work.

          I've been an enthusiastic (and public) supporter of Actinic in recent years, but 8.5 has been an upgrade too far.


          Originally posted by Buzby

          My Actinic cover is due soon and I am not sure that I am prepared to renew.

          Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

          tutor2u on Facebook

          tutor2u on Twitter


            Originally posted by RuralWeb
            I suggest you report this directly to Bruce who is looking into a similar problem with two of my snapshots.
            Will do.

            Just gone to do my first upload after rolling back to V8.5.0 and the software crashes.

            Can't work with either.



              trying to make what should be a simple upgrade process work
              Upgrades are generally simpler the nearer to a standard layout the original site was - if it has been customised then the upgrader can hit problems.


                Our site is 99.9% standard layouts. The upgraded site works fine using offline preview; there are no coding errors either. All images are contained within the site structure. All very strange.


                Originally posted by RuralWeb
                Upgrades are generally simpler the nearer to a standard layout the original site was - if it has been customised then the upgrader can hit problems.

                Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

                tutor2u on Facebook

                tutor2u on Twitter


                  try compressing your database


                    Done that several times - actually many times.

                    Reinstalled Act 8.5 several times too :-)


                    Originally posted by RuralWeb
                    try compressing your database

                    Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

                    tutor2u on Facebook

                    tutor2u on Twitter


                      Can you ftp me the site


                        Thats very kind! A snapshot from 7.5? 8.5?


                        Originally posted by RuralWeb
                        Can you ftp me the site

                        Smarta Marketing Firm of the Year 2011

                        tutor2u on Facebook

                        tutor2u on Twitter


                          7.5 please



                            I think that I may have found the problem to my version crashing.

                            I noticed that the system would crash when checking HTML pages, and always in the same place.

                            I made a note of the products in this section and then deleted the section. Actinic would now crash on a different page. I again recorded the products and deleted the section.

                            I did this a few more times and found that one product was in all the pages that caused the crash. I then deleted the product and so far the site is now uploading.

                            This product has not been amended since V7.5 and has not caused a problem for 7 weeks, so why now? . I hope this is not a taster of what is to come.

                            I now intend to import my last back up and just delete that one product to see what happens.



                              Quick update.

                              After importing a snapshot and just deleting this one product it has resolved the crash issue.

                              I have looked at every detail of the product and can not see anything that is wrong with it.


