I have a strange error where, for any given subsection, with perhaps half a dozen products in it, whichever product you select, Actinic will only add one particular product from that page to the cart! (usually first or last product it seems, but not always). ie you might select product 5, but product 1 is added.
Shopping mode is 'quantity in cart', as it's always been.
I have compacted db, deleted local .cat and .fil files, purged same from server, and refreshed the site. No effect. Help!
Site has been up for ages, but recently gone multiuser v8.5.1HERA
Shopping mode is 'quantity in cart', as it's always been.
I have compacted db, deleted local .cat and .fil files, purged same from server, and refreshed the site. No effect. Help!

Site has been up for ages, but recently gone multiuser v8.5.1HERA