can anyone tell me why when using the latest version of V8 software,
my checkout has been corrupted. the version my website was made on was
V8 but it has now been put onto V8.5 i think. should this cause any problems?
let me know please.
If you go to Help | About in Actinic, you wil see the version number including the four letter code - for 8.5.1 this could be HERA or HFUA, and it's an important distinction. Can you check that and come back to us?
Also, during the upgrade, there was a choice offered, something similar to
o Upgrade My Layouts
o Don't Upgrade My Layouts but add the new ones into the library
o Don't Upgrade My Layouts or add the new Layouts to the Library
I actually designed the ladies site for her. I have no idea what is occuring here so any help would be appreciated.
My version of Actinic is GMVA
She is working with version HFUA
The site works fine when loaded from my version but when she tries it she gets the following errors
1. The Store sections does not display any sections
2. The cart does not work - when an item is added it does not show anything in the cart when you then navigate anywhere else.
When installing the site on her verison she chose the option to upgrade layouts
There were then several further options and in each case she chose replace with new version.
There was a massive change in the database structure between v8.0 and v8.5... there is yet another between v8.5.0 and v8.5.1 .... she should really be on the v8.5.1 as you as the change is too big and not backwards compatible.
First obvious question is why are you using 12 month old software and making customers upgrade? Surely you have a duty to be using the latest version of the software. Your version is literally slammed full of bugs, most of which have been sorted out in 8.5.1.
Surely it's common sense to design the site in the same version as the customer?
Surely it's common sense to design the site in the same version as the customer?
Especially so with the changes in the database structure (I had to buy another PC to be able to run v8.5.0 and v8.5.1 side by side at they are so different and my client was on a higher version than the rest)
thanks for all the answers
am i right in thinking that i cannot import my website that was built on a 8.0version and inport it onto the 8.5.1. version
do i have start again on 8.5.1. version and rebuild.
the reson this has happened is because i am taking control of the management of my website it was designed last year for me.
and the version i downloaded is the latest version. so it is not my designers fault.
8.5.1 will try and upgrade 8.0, what will happen, anybodys guess to be honest. Crackers to build a site then upgrade it, just start with the correct tools in the first place.
if i could have 8.0 it would make life easier
other people must come accross this if they take over the management of their website and can only download the lastest version of actinic.
if presume last year the version was 8.0 but you cannot download that version now.
is there a solution!
You can get hold of all older versions, but it's madness. They are full of errors, it was brand new software 12 months ago and should be treated as such. It is mandatory to be on 8.5 or higher IMO.
does this mean my website has to be rebiult on 8.5.1. to get the best results
or is there any way we can save any of the old one please?
thanks for all your help im just sorry that there is no simple solution for this problem.
what happens to anyone else who has a website built on 8.0 will they have to rebiuld in the future if they want any of the new facilities from the newer versions.
v8.0 can be taken into v8.5 but not the other way around as there was a massive changed in the way the system worked. As to what happens when it is imported is very much hit and miss... you could be fine and it all goes well or it could fall apart .. until you try there is no real way of knowing.
Your designer should be supporting you through this by installing the versions needed to supports his clients.
what happens to anyone else who has a website built on 8.0
You are probably the only person in the world that has to be honest Tracey. No designer works in 8.0, i presume it's a family friend trying to do a favour for you, as an experienced actinic developer would know more about the product and not cause such a mess.