If it's not one thing, it's another!
It's bad enough trying to dance around the Actinic maypole and get the protx script template to stay put as it is!
I'm increasing the OCCupgrade.ini files by one.....opening Actinic..adding my password into the ProtxScript file thingie...and uploading..
All ok..
Then, I switch sites...and because I've incremented the OCcupgrade file in the V8 folder...it's running the upgrader on the newly opened site and over-writing the bloody Protx password in that one!
It can't be right that both sites are using the same Occupgrade.ini, is it?
I'm finding it in
Program Files>Actinic V8>OCCUpgrade
Is there anyone who can give me a DEFINITIVE order to do this Actinic/Protx song and dance so that it isn't constantly upgrading and over-writing every time I switch sites, please?
(look, G...no mention of the usual topics
It's bad enough trying to dance around the Actinic maypole and get the protx script template to stay put as it is!
I'm increasing the OCCupgrade.ini files by one.....opening Actinic..adding my password into the ProtxScript file thingie...and uploading..
All ok..
Then, I switch sites...and because I've incremented the OCcupgrade file in the V8 folder...it's running the upgrader on the newly opened site and over-writing the bloody Protx password in that one!
It can't be right that both sites are using the same Occupgrade.ini, is it?
I'm finding it in
Program Files>Actinic V8>OCCUpgrade
Is there anyone who can give me a DEFINITIVE order to do this Actinic/Protx song and dance so that it isn't constantly upgrading and over-writing every time I switch sites, please?

(look, G...no mention of the usual topics
