Since upgrading to 8.5.1 I seem unable to register new design layouts, even within our existing client's websites (pre-upgrade). I get the following error message in Dreamweaver:
while executing onLoad in Acc_AsstRegister.htm the following JavaScript error(s) occurred: At line 316 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Configuration\commands\Act_AsstRegister.js"
TypeError: arrDesigns[i] has no properties
I think this may be one for Actinic support, but has anyone else seen the same issue?
Paul - Cyberstudios (UK) Ltd
while executing onLoad in Acc_AsstRegister.htm the following JavaScript error(s) occurred: At line 316 of file "C:\Program Files\Macromedia\Dreamweaver MX 2004\Configuration\commands\Act_AsstRegister.js"
TypeError: arrDesigns[i] has no properties
I think this may be one for Actinic support, but has anyone else seen the same issue?
Paul - Cyberstudios (UK) Ltd