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Permutations :: "To add rows, click the + button in the top left corner of the grid"

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    Permutations :: "To add rows, click the + button in the top left corner of the grid"

    I would, but I can't - it's greyed out... What did I do wrong/not do?

    Have you added a choice first?


      I'm flippin lost Mrs Peblaco.

      I sell bikes - let's look at saddles.

      2 types of saddle rail (chromoly steel or titanium)
      Colours - White, Blue, Red, Black.

      That's what I'd like to be able to do, with each one having it's own stock code (our own) and either £25 or £40 depending on the type of rails it's got.

      I can't even get past "T Shirts" and "Small, Medium or Large".

      Can I pay you some money and make it all go away :-)


        If each product has stock and price you'll need them as individual products hidden. On the main product add component, attributes and choices, on the component's General tab tick "Component as separate order line" and on "Permutations tab" click "Fill list". Each row select the related product and choose "Associated product price". Then on the main product General tab should have price £0.00. Pricing model : sum of component prices. No order line for main product.


          If only the Actinic documentation put it so well!

          Originally posted by peblaco
          Then on the main product General tab should have price £0.00,
          If all your choices are the same price it's better to have this price listed for the main product too, IMO, just for display purposes (since the pricing model is ignoring the main product price anyway)

          If there are varying prices... I still put in the lowest price in the main product and change my "product price description" for that items to "Prices from" or something like that.

          Just because I think it looks better in the product information to have a price right there.
          Like I said, JMO though


            Thanks all - making progress. Is there any stock control on these associated products?


              stock control
              You should term it stock monitoring as actinic does not have stock control in the true meaning of the term


                Originally posted by RuralWeb
                You should term it stock monitoring as actinic does not have stock control in the true meaning of the term
                I've been thinking that all day and I had a feeling someone would say it

                My money was on Malc, or Lee.

                It's true though. I think, if I'd known, when I was shopping around for an ecommerce package, what I know now (given that a big %age of my stock is one-off items) I'd have thought twice.
                That said, as far as costs go, even including the stock control mole, it's still a much more economical option that some of its competitors so it depends just how "minute to minute" crucial your stock control is.

                My mole works hard every 10 minutes for me and its rare (although not unheard of) that I get a duplicate or overordering.

                The problem is that this whole issue is a negative point really for Actinic and it's not that obvious "up front" because they're not going to have it plastered all over the website "we don't offer realtime stock control", are they?

                ok..I'm done LOL I've been trying to avoid posting negatively on another thread about stock control all day and now I've been lured out


                  I always tell clients if they want stock control then Actinic is not for them.


                    A bit of double posting here as I have placed the same comments on a related thread.

                    To be fair to Actinic they do not say that the software performs stock control they say "Monitors stock levels during order processing" which is technically correct and what has been said on the forum for many years so it is widely known and publicised IMO


                      Whatever you call it either 'control' or 'monitoring', it amounts to the same thing in my eyes. If a client asked me for either stock monitoring or stock control, i would treat the request as 'control'. It's a big play on words these 2 terms IMO, who in their right mind wants monitoring and not control?


                        If a client asked me for either stock monitoring or stock control
                        To me they are totally different - which is why one of the first questions I ask a potential client is DO YOU NEED ACTIVE STOCK CONTROL if the answer is yes then I dont use Actinic. Stock monitoring is a meaningless term IMO.


                          Totally agree, monitoring is just a pretend word IMO, because they can't claim control (i'm sure sales can lol). When new people read monitoring, it probably makes them believe they can have control. I don't think too many would distinguish the two terms as anything different. Its misleading IMO.

                          I am yet to meet anyone that wants monitoring instead of control.


                            To be fair guys, actinic is not a database driven shopping app. Hence no real time stock control, its apples and pears.


                              To be fair guys, actinic is not a database driven shopping app
                              We know that - all I am saying is that Actinic dont say that the product has stock control yet we are getting a spate of designers suddenly finding this out half way through a job. People need to do thier homework before setting up shop using a particular software rather than assuming things and then trying to make it work. Thats what the 30 day trial is for IMO

