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Duplicate Page Names

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    Duplicate Page Names

    OK i never knew actinic could do this, but it did

    whilst working on a new site layout (release pending) i was having real problems with my products not showing online, they looked fine in the actinic preview window and offline page preview. I spent ages trying to find the problem, i checked layouts, then checked everything again. Then i spotted it

    Actinic managed to create the same file name, example mypage.html twice obviously one of these pages had the products in it with SPP's and the other had nothing actinic obviously uploaded the page with bugger all in it.

    So i thought i would share this with you guys, i case someone else ever has a similar experience.

    The cause, not totally sure but i remember it crashing whilst messing with sections. I restarted and carried on, it was probably the next day before i noticed so can not be 100% it was the cause


    It warns of this on upload IME.


      Guess what Lee

      It dont warn either, thats why i missed it and spent ages trying to sort it out



        That is strange, i bet it would if you refreshed instead of uploaded, at least it always has for me.
        Real pants if it doesn't, that's for sure.


          Could you accidentally have a "mypage.html" in your Site folder. If so, Actinic seems to upload that.
          Norman -
          Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


            OK i will do some screen prints later

            but actinic really has ignored the duplicate names, they are there as plan as day in the tree

            and nope i deleted the test site from the server and and did a new upload so cant be that Lee

            Its not an issue as i know the problem exists and how to sort it




              had a spare couple of mins, see attached screen dump

              Attached Files


                If you did web/refresh and not update, i would be astonished if you did not get warned of this during the upload procedure, unless you have an add on (mole possibly) that has been told to ignore messages.


                  Lee no moles no messages, honest gov

                  ok so i broke it, but at least i fixed it though




                      Its the file name not the page name that makes the difference. So you can have the same page name as long as the file name is different


                        Hi Malc

                        It is the file names that are the same, the image shows the duplicates, not just one file name either



                          It is the file names that are the same
                          If that is the case then there is a problem - as lee says in that case actinic should warn you when they are created and when uploading. I can confirm my copy does as I just did it by mistake yesterday and actinic warned me immediately.

