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CGI-bin 'Access is Denied'

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    CGI-bin 'Access is Denied'


    We have just moved our site to a new hosting company, the only thing that has been changed is the Network Settings, as our previous host had a server root with cgi-bin and httpdocs folders, whereas the new host has a 'web' folder with the cgi-bin folder within the web folder.

    We uploaded the site, did a full refresh - but still receive 'access is denied' errors when clicking the 'latest products' items and adding things to the cart/checkout. I assume this is why we have not received any online orders these past 2 days as all our Google/Yahoo/Live rankings remain the same.

    Does anyone know what the problem could be? I read something on an external site about an issue like this in Actinic v7 - but the solution doesn't apply for Actinic v8 (8.5.1).

    Very puzzling


    have you tried ftp-ing into the site and checking the permissions on the cgi-bin (and acatalog) folders?
    They should ideally be 755.

    if you've checked them and they are, tell us who your host is and post your network settings (without usernames/passwords)


      Hi Tracey.

      Thanks for the heads up

      I have noticed something strange this morning, very strange, actually. Okay, so I have figured that the issue is because the new web server runs Zeus (on a Linux server), and therefore doesn't redirect non-www to www, which I am now looking out how to redirect such.

      So navigating to - the latest links do not work, as they are coming from non-www, whereas - the links do work, because they are being sent from www. I really don't see what the problem is, but changing permissions to 755 as you suggested only made the 'Access Denied' error being thrown up at every opportunity the site had, non-www and www.

      Very strange indeed, unless of course, I'm missing something



        The site works fine for me on www.

        It's only if I use the non-www address that it appears as if the cgi-bin is being blocked.

        Your best bet is:

        1. Clear your actinic cookie as this could be storing your entry url as non-www.

        2. Set up an htaccess file to redirect all non-www traffic to the www domain.

        The instructions for doing this are in the forum somewhere. I'm sure a search for 'htaccess' should find them (but come back to us if you can't as I'm sure they're there somewhere).


        First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



          Originally posted by olderscot
          1. Clear your actinic cookie as this could be storing your entry url as non-www.

          2. Set up an htaccess file to redirect all non-www traffic to the www domain.
          Hey Mike, thanks for the reply.

          1. A couple of things: the 'Actinic cookie' - I assume you are referring to the cookie made on the local computer by the web browser, or is this a file which Actinic produces and uploads?

          2. If only it were that easy. The new host runs Zeus on the servers, and doesn't abide fully by htaccess rules, so I'm looking for the Zeus equivalent for redirecting non-www to www. I'll be damned if I can find it, though!



            1. Yes, the actinic cookie on your PC. This sometimes gets 'corrupted' or can store out of date information, so it's often worth clearing it (especially when you get different results from other users/testers). Another option is to look at your site from another PC and see if it works from there.

            2. Zeus and htaccess. I've no idea. I know Zeus is supposed to be very fast at serving web pages but other than that I've no idea. I'll have a look around though.


            Edit: OK I see you're already asking around. Isn't Google fast! I would suggest you ask your hosts to provide you with the details. If they're going to use an esoteric web server such as Zeus then they should also support it.

            First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



              Thanks for the info Mike, I'm finally getting somewhere, anyway!

              Submitted a ticket to support, hopefully they'll get back to me soon or it'll be another support call.

              I still need to find out how to redirect from non-www to www in Zeus anyway, but have wiped the Actinic cookie (after a backup, of course!) - just uploading now, although I think the problem is more towards the non-www/www issue as the problem is the same on more than 2 computers in the workplace and at home.

              Thanks again,


                I host a testing area on a mate's Zeus server but everything is in subfolders in the www ... will ask if he knows about redirects on higher level folders

                SellerDeck Designs and Responsive Themes


                  Hi Grant,

                  you have two different problems.

                  1. is people using the non-www. address. the only way to fix this is either:

                  a) redirect all non-www addresses the their www. equivalent (this is preferred as it will solve this problem and prevent the search engines seeing duplicate content).

                  b) Configure Zeus to allow cgi-bin access from non-www. addresses (this will fix this problem but not the SE issue and there may be other problems that appear as a result).

                  2. The second problem is this one with www. addresses:

                  changing permissions to 755 as you suggested only made the 'Access Denied' error being thrown up at every opportunity the site had, non-www and www.
                  I don't see this problem which suggests it may be a corrupt cookie on your PC(s).

                  Tracey is correct that the permissions should be set to 755. What was your setting originally?


                  First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                    Thanks Jont - any help is much appreciated.

                    Strange thing is, the webserver can parse htaccess through the 'rewrite.script' file, so specific pages, for instance, can be left in the htaccess file as 'redirect 301 /banana.html http:// www. cupargardencentre and it redirects perfectly well!

                    I checked the Actinic error log, doesn't look too nice, to be honest.

                    Mike, the original settings were set to 775, I changed them to 755, yet no difference. I obviously left them at 755 for safety's sake.

                    I've wiped all the temp files/cookies, etc, from this pc and the problem still arises. I got a guy to check out the site and the problem was the same for him, yet he had never been on our site so the problem must be with the non-www/www.

                    Seems impossible to find the Zeus guides, or any form of support at all online. I made a post over at DigitalPoint a few hours ago, within 5 minutes that post was indexed and ranking above pages that have sat there for years.

                    Ahh, welcome to the world wide web, eh?


                      so the problem must be with the non-www/www.
                      I have to disagree with you on this. If I can browse your website, add items to the cart, etc then the problem cannot just be with the server setup. Unless you can explain why the server likes me and not you and your friend.

                      I do see the problem with non-www. addresses so there has to be two problems going on.

                      One the problem for anyone using non-www. addresses.

                      Two a seperate problem that is preventing you and your friend from being able to use the site with www. addresses but allowing me to do so.


                      First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling



                        The site also works for me with www, but not without www.


                          Have you seen this:

                          towards the bottom of the page.


                            Zeus hmmmmmmmmmm

                            try this, you cant use regular htaccess reditect as zeus does not support all commands


                            ok another suggestion go to google webmaster tools and also set you domain name to be with www. this should help aswell




                              That first link looks like just the thing.


                              First Tackle - Fly Fishing and Game Angling


