We have just moved our site to a new hosting company, the only thing that has been changed is the Network Settings, as our previous host had a server root with cgi-bin and httpdocs folders, whereas the new host has a 'web' folder with the cgi-bin folder within the web folder.
We uploaded the site, did a full refresh - but still receive 'access is denied' errors when clicking the 'latest products' items and adding things to the cart/checkout. I assume this is why we have not received any online orders these past 2 days as all our Google/Yahoo/Live rankings remain the same.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? I read something on an external site about an issue like this in Actinic v7 - but the solution doesn't apply for Actinic v8 (8.5.1).
Very puzzling
We have just moved our site to a new hosting company, the only thing that has been changed is the Network Settings, as our previous host had a server root with cgi-bin and httpdocs folders, whereas the new host has a 'web' folder with the cgi-bin folder within the web folder.
We uploaded the site, did a full refresh - but still receive 'access is denied' errors when clicking the 'latest products' items and adding things to the cart/checkout. I assume this is why we have not received any online orders these past 2 days as all our Google/Yahoo/Live rankings remain the same.
Does anyone know what the problem could be? I read something on an external site about an issue like this in Actinic v7 - but the solution doesn't apply for Actinic v8 (8.5.1).
Very puzzling