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Cant Complete Offline Order

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    Simular Problem


    I've got a very simular problem with two orders.

    I taken two seperate orders via Protx. I have had to amend the order by cancelling some items and adding a different item of the same value i.e. swapping from a Black shirt to a Blue one. In both instances I've done this the orders won't complete. The order says for example

    2 ordered - 1 shipped - 1 cancelled

    But when you look at the progress / payment tab it says 50% Pending 50% shipped. I have "Desktop" Protox enabled ie. offline payments enabled.

    Its almost as if its not recoginising cancelled items as completed. This means I can't complete the order and can only get rid of it by deleting it.

    It sounds very like the other problems people are having. But this has happend on two seperate orders within a few days of eachother.
    I know I can go into the DB and fix it as suggested but sounds to me like a possible bug here.

    Advice please.
    Matthew Wildeman
    2XL to 8XL Menswear


      Hi all

      Similar problems with one order on V9, can't complete and have at the moment.

      shipped 25%
      cancelled -50%
      pending 125%

      I have tried to complete and then unshipped them all to try again and the above is the current state.

      Note- this is an order that I imported when I upgraded, and V9 did some do funny things with the orders from v8/5/2 particularly on the cost price box.
      The others are fine so far, and have completed ok.

      It would be a great help if we could have a blow by blow account of how to alter the database as I am not even sure I know where to find it let alone mess with it.


      Offering a wide range of shade loving plants suitable for the woodland garden.


        It would be a great help if we could have a blow by blow account of how to alter the database as I am not even sure I know where to find it let alone mess with it.
        - ensure that Actinic is closed
        - browse to your site folder (depends on where you chose to install it - default is 'My Documents\Actinic v9\Sites\SiteName\')
        - take a backup of the 'ActinicCatalog.mdb' file
        - open the file in MS Access then follow the instructions that Chris posted:

        Look in the 'Order' table and check the nTotalItemsOrdered value for the order vs the nTotalItemsShipped value for the Order Number that won't complete. They should both be the same. While you are at it, I would enter a date in the 'Date Order Finished' field of something like '2008/05/16 00:00' and change the 'Status' field to 'F'
        - close the database
        - open Actinic and the order should be moved into the Completed tab


          we get the same problem if we ship some items then go back later to ship the rest the % shipped goes way off and the order wont disapear.

          Unfortunatly we do this quite often i.e. if an item is not available we mark all the items we have as shipped so they do not go on the pick sheet for the next day

          We got around it by using the export feature to remove the completed orders from the pending tab
          David Mawson
          Phoenix Trading

 - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


            Don't have a copy of Access unfortunately, feels like a big problem with the new software.

            Two more orders today won't complete, hmmm think I will row back to 8/5/2 that was stable and didn't have these database errors. I may try a complete reinstall first.


            Offering a wide range of shade loving plants suitable for the woodland garden.


              Don't have a copy of Access unfortunately
              You could export those orders that have the problem as that should force them into the completed tab. To be able to do this ensure that you have 'Enable Export to Files' ticked in 'Business Settings | Order Processing'. Then you can highlight those orders and right-click on them and select 'ReExport to Files'.


                That works thank goodness, thanks.

                Offering a wide range of shade loving plants suitable for the woodland garden.


                  is the incorrect % shipped bug going to be fixed in a future release of actinic ??
                  David Mawson
                  Phoenix Trading

         - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


                    Yep - I'll make sure this bug gets raised. Thanks for the reproduction steps.


                      chris did you ever get support do give you a workaround for the company field not mapping correctly ?
                      David Mawson
                      Phoenix Trading

             - Wholesale confectionery suppliers


                        hi, i to have this problem with off line order not completing, the shipping is showing 144%

                        We made no adjustments to the order, it was a basic order for eight line items.

                        Protx is payment method and configured for desktop. Other off line orders have gone through ok.

                        Have now completed the order after hacking the database.

                        Can Chris confirm this has been raised as a bug and will be fixed in the next update.

                        Treasure Island Sweets


                          Can Chris confirm this has been raised as a bug and will be fixed in the next update.
                          Yes to both of these. It will be fixed in the next release.



                            i added to an online order today and got the same problem with over shipping



                              I have a client on v9.0.2 IFZA who went live yesterday, and this has happened three times to him already today!

                              The last one was a four line items, which showed as 140% shipped, and thus wouldn't complete. The export worked to take it to completion, but interestingly, when he the re-printed an invoice it again showed the shipping as 140% and had to be re-exported.

                              Is there a fix in the pipleline?
                              Mike Booker
                              M B Web Services
                              +44 1932 340318


                                when you re print any thing it changes the status from export, basically you have decided to handle the order inside actinic not and external program.

                                I think this is due for a fix in the 9.0.3 version

