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Cant Complete Offline Order

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    Darren thanks - I understand, but was wishfully thinking that it wouldn't mess with the shipping again Also though I would record it here in case others wanted to se it.

    Actinic: Any news regarding a date for the next version? - I sent a snapshot in to the test for Friday 13th (not a good day for testing me thinks!) but have heard nothing since... maybe...
    Mike Booker
    M B Web Services
    +44 1932 340318


      Here's something that may shed some light for others - after testing offline orders, and watching the effects in the Orders table, I can reproduce the problem, my client sees every time I want to.

      Its as simple as this - whilst you are adding items to the offline cart, if you edit an item to change the number of them, it appears from the cart that all is OK. However, when you "confim" the order, the Order Table holds the original number, not the adjusted number, so when you ship them the %age shipped is that of the number in the Access order table and not that of the number you thought you ordered. Confused? Well it is Friday

      If you add an item to the cart, and then decide you want two of them, the order looks OK, but Actinic holds only 1, so then when you ship it, it says shipped 200%, cos you have shipped 2 but it thinks it only has the original 1. Hence the order will not complete.

      The work around is simple - During the order process, if you want to change the quantity ordered, remove it and then add it back with the desired quantity.

      If you have stuck orders already Confirmed, then the export process mentioned earlier works too.
      Mike Booker
      M B Web Services
      +44 1932 340318


        Nice piece of investigation, considering it is friday


          Any news regarding a date for the next version
          Its going to be at least a couple of weeks yet.


            A post from Chris on 25 June suggests it is a couple of weeks from beta


            So I would guess the production version is a good month away.
            Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
            SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
            Based in rural Northants


              Could Be - can you remember what cartoon that was from


                Originally posted by Darren B View Post
                Could Be - can you remember what cartoon that was from
                are you drunk, Beaumont?



                  Being drunk on a Friday evening, Ms. Hand.

                  Is that a problem?


                  * desparately looking for the smilie that looks somewhat the worse for wear (or should that be where?) *
                  Elysium:Online - Official Accredited SellerDeck Partner
                  SellerDeck Design, Build, Hosting & Promotion
                  Based in rural Northants


                    Originally posted by Darren B View Post
                    OK odd one, have and offline order, everything is fine, worked well until i decided to complete the order and it will not move to the completed tab.

                    I have checked everything and discovered somehow the % shipped is 166% now i am extremely confused, how can i have shipped more than was on the order. But i guess this is what is cause the order not to complete.

                    anyone else had experiences like this, short of editing the order in access im not sure what else to try

                    I have had the same problem with both offline orders and completed orders that I have revisited to refund. Only way i can get them to go is to reexport them to files. (return to pending if they are printed again though)



                      Well done on finding this workaround. I have passed your post onto the development team to make sure this doesn't happen in the next maintenance release. There have been lots of fixes in this area, but we just need to make sure this particular scenario has been covered by the other changes.


                        ho hum...thread resurrected..

                        Not an offline order but the rest is relevant.

                        Customer ordered 2 items, returned one.
                        I unshipped and cancelled the item, and refunded.
                        Job done.....or so you'd think

                        Within the order itself, it shows one product shipped and one cancelled but in the main orders tab, it shows 50% shipped, 0% cancelled and it's sticking around in the 'Pending' tab.

                        I've been out of the order, exited Actinic, compacted etc etc but it's not shifting.

                        I know I can export the order and I guess I'll have to but my point really is that this is in 9.0.3 and I thought these problems were supposed to be fixed??

                        [editted to add screenshot]
                        Attached Files


                          I get this all the time. Crazy figures like 78% shipped and when only one item in the order, or 150 shipped. I've logged a ticket for it (And some other bugs) and Bruce King is looking at a site snapshot to see if he can find anything.


                          Mark Lowery


                            well, I submitted a support ticket (at something like 4pm on a Friday ) but haven't had an automated confirmation (which I usually do) so have NO idea if it is submitted or not. The website suggested so...but the lack of confirmation bothers me a bit.
                            We'll see, I suppose


                              had a response about this from support. Results below

                              After loading your database and verifying the issue I have researched it in the companies records.

                              It would appear that even though the origin of the bug has been found and fixed in v9.0.3, the data created by the fault is not corrected. Added to this the fix applied to the problem appears not to be100% effective.

                              The final result though is that the bug is not fixed, I have incremented the incident counter of this new instance of the bug.

                              It looks like, regrettably the only way to move the orders across is to run the file export.
                              Ah well....maybe in 9.0.4, eh?


                                we have had 2 orders that will not complete this week.
                                this is in v9.03
                                new orders created on-line via website

                                had to hack database as ntotals for shipping and original order did not match.
                                This bug is still live.
                                Treasure Island Sweets

