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Product choice linking

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    ok, I've tried numerous methods and all seem to work.
    It should be said, however, that my V9 installation is 9.0.3's BETA (not sure if this could be something that has been fixed in 9.0.3?)

    I've tried creating using 'product options', creating the 'old' way, dragging and dropping the attributes, copying and pasting the attributes...all have worked.
    I still might not be doing it exactly the same way as you though

    If you can give a 'step by step', maybe someone can recreate the problem using the exact method you are?


      lol i did do a step by step, brief but a step by step, and no i did it the old fashioned way, i did not use the little wizard thing.

      i have attached an image of what i have and it will not drag from one to another
      Attached Files


        I can't recreate this, D, not in 9.0.3 anyway. Sorry!
        Guess you need to add it to the list of things for Actinic to check with the snapshot they already have!


          Im beginning to think this as well, i shall see if i can do it on a v9.0.3 site i have


            Ok tried on a v9.0.3 site and its not working

            seems like a call to support i have a feeling this is going to be painfull


              Ah Ha - im officially a n00b

              OK it does not work if you have and association already set under the component. It must be set to none. then you can drag and drop and then add the components via the permutations.

              Apart from getting through to someone then getting directed back to position one the guy on the phone was really helpfull.


                well there, see.
                You missed a step out in your 'step by step' because you didn't mention you had associated a product with your component!

                sheesh, help us to help you...isn't that what Lee said this morning


                  Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
                  sheesh, help us to help you...isn't that what Lee said this morning
                  Taddy is beyond help, he is immune from anything i say.

