Thanks Tracey - tried that code change but that didn't work. Still nothing when you click the checkout link and the java error on the page.
Thanks Norman - looked at the code in actinic and it's got the \ in the right place.
Have turned GA off and the checkout link changes to be text not a blue box but it does work and the error on the view basket page has gone. So the GA code seems to be the problem. I've made the change that Chris highlighted in the thread Tracey found but this didn't work when GA was enabled.
Thanks all for your help. I'll keep searching and see what I can find.
Donna i think you need to contact support, if you have not done anything and it works with GA off then something is amiss with the way actinic does it IMHO
Am on hold as we 'speak' position 8! Will keep posted on developments but as a point of interest (or maybe not!) our new site
www.flagandbuntingstore.co.uk not finished yet has GA on (which is reporting) and the summary works. It is a 3 column affair and the summary is in the right column so thought I might investigate that as well to see if the code is different in some way there? D
yeah not ready to be live yet - no traffic being driven there or anything - pages names are next on the agenda! Don't understand what you mean by layout broekn though - that pages looks ok on my screen? D
I think it may be something to do wih your image widths, but not 100%.
If you haven'y already got it download FireFox along with the Firebug adon. Make sure you download FF2, because Firebug wasn't compatible with FF3 the last time I checked.
Thanks very much. Better check the new CB site in there as well then! Just assumed (and we all know how dangerous that is!) that out of the box if it was ok in one it would be fine in the other. So much to do so little time! Thanks again to all for their help. When I get a resolution from support I'll post. D
Thanks Darren ... I'll look into that! May have to go to three column width rather than 4 for now if the images sizes are the issue until I can re-size them all! D
Add width="xxx" into the img tag for the section image in the meantime, better to use browser resizing than leave it broken, that will resize them all for you quickly and TEMPORARY.