Thanks for the tip as I'm trying to set this up and it's not showing this in V16 AUG either. There are also some other slight difference between V15 and V16of this item, although I don't know whether they matter, but it may be worth pointing out to use the latest version of the Aug.
Can I butt in and ask if anyone has had problems with their main section list when implementing this subsection thingy?
I have got my sub sections showing in a list with the add to cart button okay but...
a) I can only get it centred and not very well, when I'd like it to be laid out the same as 'text with image on the left' (like the very nice samples in above posts) and
b) my main section list of links that take you to the subsection products will not layout 'image above sectionlink' although I have selected that in the layout tab. I am getting the image to the left and the text to the right with the 'more info' link, similar to the sub section layout without the descriptive text and cart button.
I know it can be done better as the samples above show, but cannot for the life of me work out how as I have changed the tabs accordingly, but it may be staring me straight in the face?
Can I butt in and ask if anyone has had problems with their main section list when implementing this subsection thingy?
I have got my sub sections showing in a list with the add to cart button okay but...
a) I can only get it centred and not very well, when I'd like it to be laid out the same as 'text with image on the left' (like the very nice samples in above posts) and
b) my main section list of links that take you to the subsection products will not layout 'image above sectionlink' although I have selected that in the layout tab. I am getting the image to the left and the text to the right with the 'more info' link, similar to the sub section layout without the descriptive text and cart button.
I know it can be done better as the samples above show, but cannot for the life of me work out how as I have changed the tabs accordingly, but it may be staring me straight in the face?
