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multiple Suppliers - Drop Shipping with Actinic

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    Originally posted by TraceyHand View Post
    bet you had to type that at least three times to get it right
    nope cheeky


      Hmm, £176.19 for a 12 month license....

      Perhaps ill just click on the retrieve order button and mail the order over to the supplier.....

      There is a recession, wheres all the bargains?


        Originally posted by Faulkds View Post
        There is a recession, wheres all the bargains?
        so everyone keeps telling me, i have not noticed one. Sales are still good here and lets be honest most people still earn the same amount they did before its all media hype causing the fk problems, making people panic.


          Agreed ....

          I think we've been talked into it....

          Mind you, if you work in the finance sector then you probably wouldn't agree


            Originally posted by Faulkds View Post
            wheres all the bargains?
            In the bargain bin with all the other junk and throw away items

            These plugin's are all tools, just as Actinic is a tool. You get what you pay for.

            It comes down to how well you use the tool, and the quality of the tool you use.

            (surely enough double entendre's in that statement for everyone?)
            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              Originally posted by fergusw View Post
              In the bargain bin with all the other junk and throw away items

              These plugin's are all tools, just as Actinic is a tool. You get what you pay for.

              It comes down to how well you use the tool, and the quality of the tool you use.

              (surely enough double entendre's in that statement for everyone?)
              even a couple of spare apostrophes

              I'm staying away from the double entendres though. I'm already running the risk of getting my wrists slapped today!

              Hi, Fergus, btw.
              We don't see/hear enough of you nowadays!
              You must be keeping busy


                oh is it

                Maybe they could build these tools into the product then I wouldn't have to spend more money to get it to do what I want. I would have thought there were many people that don't hold stock and would like an automated system.... However, no doubt im the only one as usual and for that I MUST pay


                  Hmm, £176.19 for a 12 month license....
                  Not bad IMO - Im just about to add it to a site as it will save them thousands a year


                    Originally posted by RuralWeb View Post
                    Not bad IMO - Im just about to add it to a site as it will save them thousands a year
                    Hmm, you start working it out....

                    £176 for add ons per year.
                    Cost of Actinic support
                    Cost of Software.

                    Actinic is starting to look expensive to me....

                    And this has no reflection on the cost of the add on software. Im sure its worth every penny...

                    Oh well this time next year we'll be millionaires!


                      it will always look expensive to someone with a small turnover and very cheap to someone with a big turnover.


                      just in case anyone has forgotten


                        £176 for add ons per year.
                        You dont really need it
                        Cost of Actinic support
                        You dont really need it
                        Cost of Software.
                        One off cost

                        I will not mention any competitor names but one of them quotes $400 a month for support similar to actinic so IMO Actinic compares pretty well.



                          Look at this Codepath Soapbox...

                          Great little addon - enables customers to review your products...


                          £149.00 cashier number 5 please

                          Surely some of these things should be part of actinic anyway?

                          I dunno


                            Originally posted by Faulkds View Post

                            Look at this Codepath Soapbox...

                            Great little addon - enables customers to review your products...


                            £149.00 cashier number 5 please

                            Surely some of these things should be part of actinic anyway?

                            I dunno
                            So add your vote to the wishlist threads then. Or post a new one.

                            Why SHOULDN'T Codepath develop and charge for software? Just because you think it should be included in the software?

                            If everything everyone wanted was including in the basic Actinic package from the get-go, it'd be a far more expensive product and you'd be moaning about that instead.

                            You try before you buy. Anything, like this, that isn't included you either do manually or buy and add-on for. Either solution costs money.
                            If you don't like it, I'm sure there are other packages out there.
                            One way or another, you pay for what you get.


                              £149.00 cashier number 5 please
                              Again cheap as chips and Im also adding that to the same site - as jo says if you have a website that is making large profits then the price for these addons is insignificant.


                                I always look at it this way

                                If I opened a shop in Great Yarmouth the rent would be about £15000per year in a secondary position

                                The rates would be about half of that again say another £7500 per year

                                Insurance would be considerably more than my office

                                Shop fit would be say another £5000 (probably to cheap but usable price)

                                Stock to just fill the shop £20,000

                                Now compare with actinic

                                about 1200 for MU

                                another 900 for three licences

                                another 600 for support

                                Backstreet offices and store £4000 inc rates

                                £150 for an add on and a free moan about the costs

                                Why o Why do people always consider actinic expensive when you can be up and running a shop for about £500, i guess its the difference in amature's and proffesional's attitudes
                                Chris Ashdown

