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How to stop robots spamming my contact form

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    How to stop robots spamming my contact form

    I have for the last few weeks been getting more and more spam from robots filling out my contact form. It started out slow with maybe 5 or 6 a day, now the floods started. So what can I do to stop this without loosing the ability for real people to actually send me an email?

    I'm not a programmer and can barely handle dealing with Html. This is the main reason I choose actinic in the first place. I've spent the last few days trying to find a solution, and the ones i found are all to complicated for me to work out how to implement into actinic. So please if you can help keep solutions to not much more complicated than cutting and pasting some stuff into the design pages of actinic. If you have an answer please give me instruction like I'm an idiot.

    I use actinic catalogue V9.

    Thanks in advance.

    Samuel, have a read of this


      I did read it but it didn't seem to work and i assumed it was out of date.

      an example of the porblem is because there was no line like this on my page.
      <form method="post" action="<Actinic:Variable Name="SendMailPageURL"/>">

      the closest i could find was
      <input type="submit" name="ACTION" value="<Actinic:Variable Name="MailFormSendButton"/>" />

      this is just one example. much of what written doesnt match with my versio and it also told me there was a java error on the page.

      When tried to work around this I got a small box showing, but no captcha image and pressing the send button worked anyway without putting anything in the box.

      So maybe it needs a full update for V9 and idiots like myself.


        The method linked to in post #2 is fully functioning in V9. I know because I've used it.

        The form tag will be nearer the top of your contact form layout than the input tag you've found.

        To be honest, Gabe's captcha IS pretty simple and straightfoward. If you feel that it's beyond your abilities then the only thing I could think of to recommend would be to get/ask/pay someone else to do it for you.


          What is the name of the layout you are using.

          If I select the layout for the Contact Us page my layout is called "Contact Us Bulk Area" and the first line of the layout had the code
          <form method="post" action="<Actinic:Variable Name="SendMailPageURL"/>">
          (until I made a few other changes)
          Darren Guppy
          Golf Tee Warehouse
          Golf Tees and Golf Accessories.


            Thanks that helped with getting the form code in the right place. I'm fairly sure it right now because now if you try and use the form it sends you to an 404 page not known (which i assume is because of the problem below)

            This next bit of code shows an error inside actinic ("object expected") and doesn't show any captcha image, although it does have a box to write the word into.

            <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">cimg()</script><br />
            <input type=text name="uword" id="uword" value="" size=20><br />
            <noscript>[This resource requires a Javascript enabled browser.]</noscript>

            I get the feeling that its the line i have highlighted that is wrong.
            What is missing from this? what's the object that's expected?

            I'm also wondering if I have these next two line in the right place. On the contact us page i put them in the <head> area </head>, But I think it may have put that on every page because when I up loaded the site it did every page and every image again.

            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
            <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

            you can see it failing to work here


              I get the feeling that its the line i have highlighted that is wrong.
              That's a line from Gabriel's original post. He posted code based on modification to

              However I surmise that you're not using his code (his download link is dead) but instead have got it from the above URL. If so, look at the source of that site's Contact Us page (which uses the code) and use that instead.

              It's a little unfair to ask us to volunteer a lot of time writing something out in extreme detail simply because you're a novice. Instead consider using the time we'd have to take to write an idiots guide for some personal learning.
              Norman -
              Edinburgh, U K / Bitez, Turkey


                While you are brushing up on your HTML skills you may want to read up on the subject of keyword stuffing which may be the reason the spambots found you in the first place.


                  Thank you for that link and pointing out that an example of the source code was available from that page. I'm an artist and my way of working tends to be somewhat haphazard, and I know asking you smart people such basic questions must to be annoying. So I do thank you for your patience.

                  But after fumbling about like the amateur I am and trying to spot patterns in the code. I finally got it to work with this

                  <form method="post" action="<Actinic:Variable Name="SendMailPageURL"/>" onsubmit="return jcap();">

                  and this is the new java code.

                  <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">sjcap()</script><br />
                  <noscript>[This resource requires a Javascript enabled browser.]</noscript>

                  plus I found you also have to go in and edit the

                  jcap file and make sure that it points to the full address of image folder.

                  Thanks for all the help.

                  I find all these internet stuff and code witting extraordinary difficult it'll be a relief to get back to what I know and paint some pictures.

                  anyway thanks again. and maybe what I've found out will help some other hapless user work out how to get it working.

