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BUG: DMP Error But Upload Allowed To Continue

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    BUG: DMP Error But Upload Allowed To Continue

    I have a site that is doing the typical DMP error reporting when I start an upload, I think the wind might be blowing in the wrong direction and it doesn't like it. The usual message appears which has to be OK'ed, however if you do not OK it, the site continues multi-threading in the background and proceeds with the upload.

    Personally, I am sick to the back teeth of these DMP errors, but when I suffer one, I presume that Actinic has a problem with something, in which case surely it is absolutely crackers that the site continues uploading in the background.

    Can we have a bit more transparency on what these DMP errors are or how to read them, because waiting 2-3 days for a reply from support is not viable with the shear volume of these we experience. If it is serious enough to cause a close down of actinic, if I experience a DMP error, surely it is serious enough to cease the upload immediately too. Why don't we just scrap these DMP errors, they're more trouble that they are worth, I hate the blasted things, they've added nothing but instability and false non-existent problems IMO.

    Why don't we just scrap these DMP errors, they're more trouble that they are worth, I hate the blasted things.
    I never had them in 9.0.2 but get them daily on 9.0.3 and as you say they are totally useless. If I sent every one I had to actinic they would be swamped and I would get nothing done.


      FTR, the same happens with coding errors. If you leave the yes/no prompt, it carries on uploading anyway so, by th you respond, it's already uploaded!
      Less serious, I know, but still poor behaviour, IMO
      I mentioned it way back in the initial beta testing.


        Sounds familar, I had some cgi-bin errors during upload in the beta and hitting cancel didn't do what it said on the tin. Actinic continued with the upload...

        It was reported...

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          I had the same problem a week or so with a snapshot - the DMP error would appear, OK'ing it would close Actinic, leaving it allowed Actinic to upload as normal.

          The solution I was provided with by support was to open your site folder, locate the SiteHTML folder, and delete the contents of the folder with Actinic closed. Open Actinic and upload - though the actual cause of this was never disclosed.




            The DMP error that found this pretty critical bug was of course the good ole design snapshot failing on selectors. This feature that was rejigged in V9 and was first released back in V8, still does not work properly. And people say web designers have it easy, sighhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I currently have 317 DMP files on my system, I can create one within 25 seconds on demand. Time is up on both DMP errors and design snapshots for me, almost 3 years waiting is more than enough.


              On about 50% of uploads I get a dmp and coding errors reported that don't exist.


                This is exactly where the issues stemmed from - the design snapshot, and selectors not carrying over the options.

                Once I manually checked every selector in the library was correct - I got to the stage where Actinic uploads but still showing a DMP error (ie. your initial post) - following the steps I gave in my last post was the final fix.

                Though I still get crashes all the time when using the Design tab or working in the Library - not sure if this is related to all previous issues or if it's just further bugs in v9.0.3.


                  The dump files by definition don't cause crashes - they are generated when a crash occurs. Even if no dump file was generated, you would still get an error and you would still get the crash. They are a symptom, the cause is something else.

                  Whenever a crash is reported to us, we treat it as a priority and one of our development team is immediately assigned to try to identify the cause.

                  The first step is usually to take a snapshot of the site, and try to reproduce the crash. If we cannot reproduce it ourselves, then we try to gather as much information as we can about the exact circumstances in which the crash occurs. This is where both user feedback, and the dump files, are of critical importance.

                  Whenever we can identify the cause behind a crash, we develop a fix and it is almost always included in the next maintenance release.

                  It is very disappointing that there are still some sites that are experiencing stability issues with v903, but I do want to stress that from the feedback we have had, these are very much the exception; and we are fully committed to work with you to try to resolve the problem.

                  If you feel that your issue is not getting the attention it should, or that you are not getting sufficient feedback from our technical team, please do feel free to contact me about it directly.
                  Bruce Townsend
                  Ecommerce Product Manager
                  Sellerdeck Ecommerce Solutions


                    but I do want to stress that from the feedback we have had, these are very much the exception
                    Yeh right - I have 20 at least Bruce. Because it happens so offten people just cannot be arsed to tell you


                      Just had another one


                        Bruce you are way off the mark with your feelings i'm afraid, what you think is happening is very very wrong. I experience these on every single site I ever work on, in V9 alone that equates to at least 10. As Mal says, you are thinking these are rare because people simply cannot be arsed to report them every single time because your system to do so takes so long. It would be like ringing the met office to say it is raining again. I do not know one site owner who doesn't get these.

                        Time to make reporting these a very easy thing to do, along with an answer on what's wrong the same day - then you will get people arsed and see the real picture of how awful this part really is.

                        I suspect that people just processing orders and adding a few products here and there are what skew your thoughts, these people will rarely experience them I agree. But that is only half the picture, it's clearly the other half you need to be focusing on.

                        When was the last time you rang Microsoft and said Windows just crashed and I had to reboot? The answer to that is exactly why you think what you do currently.


                          Just had another one - must be raining outside


                            I've been thinking of doing a video nasty of them, showing what its like on the front line. I think this will be the only way to get across how bad this area is. To see what Actinic think on this matter is both eye opening and surprising, but at least we and they will now be aware of what needs doing.

                            We need to be honest here, most who used 902 would say 903 is solid, even if they experienced 5 DMPs a day, that's more a sign of what 902 was, than what 903 is though. 904 will benchmark V9 for me and show us what we have, if it leaps forward like 902 did to 903, then we will all be smiling and very happy, that's for sure.


                              if it leaps forward like 902 did to 903
                              Not a leap for me - sorry

