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BUG: DMP Error But Upload Allowed To Continue

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    Upload Crashes - Snapshot and dmp file request

    As crashing when uploading seems to be a problem for a lot of you we'd like to try to get to the bottom of this one first, so, I'd like to request snapshots and recent dump files from those of you with this problem so we can investigate. Ideally, we want a dump file that occurred as per the snapshot you send in, i.e. if the dump file was created 2 weeks ago and the site has changed since and the problem does not occur now then the dump files will be little use.

    Send the files to me at tgsupport [@] actinic [dot] co [dot] uk. If snapshots are more than 10MB in size then please upload them somewhere and send a link to the file. Also, please set the subject of the email to 'Crash on Upload' so I can easily spot them from other emails I get and give as much detail as possible as to what you do to get the crash. We would also like permission to upload test sites to your servers in case something is corrupting files on upload (each case could be different) and if you do give permission let me know if you are already using the test mode function as we don't want to be clashing with what you are doing.

    If you have already reported this issue to support and sent in snapshots and dump files then please email me the ticket reference number so I can ensure that they are passed to the developer who is looking after this problem.


      in the mean time, i think it'd take actinic 30 mins to make an upload page, with an incident ID number to make it very easy to upload a dmp file.

      make the process of letting actinic towers know about these crases, a lot simpler.

      if there is such a page, then i have no idea where it is.


        Many thanks to Duncan for sending in his snapshots and dump files regarding the crash on upload issue. However, it would be very useful to have snapshots/dmp files from a number of you to see if there is a common cause for this problem or if there are multiple causes. So please send in those snapshots and dump files as per my last post.


          Thank you to those of you who have sent in snapshots and dump files. We are making progress in investigating these issues, and hope to significantly improve things in the next maintenance release.


            Any update on the causes of DMP errors and how this will be solved in the next release? On the subject of the next release, what can you tell us about that (planned fixes, scheduled release date, etc).


