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v9 and css

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    v9 and css

    I want to change the colour of the horizontal dividers and the colour for the quantity text. I have changed the css file in Actinic and tried editing it in Dreamweaver but when I publish it to the server it seems to return to default settings.

    I have checked I am working on the correct file because it previews OK and when I upload it manually it looks OK as well but it's when I publish from Actinic that it reverts back to default.

    The other settings I have put in the css file seem to have worked fine but as far as I can tell these two won't change.

    Also, is there a way to take the bold off the (Including VAT at 15%) as I can't seem to separate it from the Price

    If you don't already use Firefox get it. If you do (once you do) download FireBug Extension and use it to examine the CSS that is controlling any element in your webpage.
    It's invaluable in tracking down these kinds of things.

    Unfortunately without a URL to see there is no easy way to help you....
    Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
    Ecommerce Digital Marketing

    SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

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    SellerDeck Digital Marketing


      This is the url of one of the pages with the horizontal divider and the quantity text:

      the class for the divider is the .dotted_line_blue whose background color is #959595 which is a dark grey and I would like it to be #bec9dd to match the colour of the sidebar on the right.

      The quantity text is #cc0000 and I want it to be #ff0000, not much but just enough

      I am using Firefox but I haven't added the Firebug yet. I will do now though.


        The actinic.css file must be edited from within Actinic. Is that what you did or did you edit the actinic.css file in the DesignPreviewHTML folder?


          Originally posted by drounding View Post
          The actinic.css file must be edited from within Actinic. Is that what you did or did you edit the actinic.css file in the DesignPreviewHTML folder?
          I came across a similar problem this week working on web site on V9.0.3. I have just done some more checks on another site and I found that editing actinic.css using the 'Actinic Stylesheet' button actually edits the actinic.css file in the designpreviewhtml folder. If I call up a preview of the page from the web menu the new version is copied from the designpreviewhtml to previewhtml, there is no actinic.css in the site folder itself. Does anyone know if this is a new feature in V9.0.3 ?


          SellerDeck Accredited Partner,
          SellerDeck 2016 Extensions, and
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            Since V8 there has been no CSS file in the site1 folder, it's in the database, which is why you have to adjust it on the design tab or from within the library. No new feature, been like that for years as i understand. The new feature is the separate stylesheet open button, but that hasn't adjusted its location AFAIK, just the ease at which to get at it.


              I have edited it in both Actinic v9.02 and DW. I am not sure where you mean by the DesignPreviewHTML folder.

              I have used the Actinic Stylesheet button above the main window and edited the code there then clicked apply.

              If it is editable in the Library as well, where is it? Is that where you have overall control?


                If you adjust it (using correct CSS) within the actinic application itself, it's impossible to go wrong. Be that in the library, the drop down menu on the design tab, by right clicking on an existing class or the new button on the toolbar. They all access the same thing.


                  I am running out of ideas and brain cells here.

                  I have tried changing the colour of the horizontal divider which is class dotted_line_blue from #959595 to #bed9dd and it doesn't want to take it so I have created a new class and called it solid_blue with the same settings except the colour and changed the class for the layout to the new one and guess what the line disappear altogether!

                  I have edited the css inside Actinic itself and it still can't find the css file. What do I have to do to tell it to use this one file?


                    Firefox and firebug to see what is going on is your best bet, probably an inheritance issue.


                      I have checked with Firebug and there is no clash with dotted_line_blue as this is the standard class for the horizontal divider.

                      When I came to test it with my solid_blue class it had reverted back to the default settings and dropped it - see the first posting. I don't anticipate a clash with this class either as the only difference is that it's a different colour.


                        I'm not sure then David, I can't help thinking you are doing something wrong though as I have never seen a problem in this area ever. Can you provide a URL to a page illustrating the problem and a screenshot of the setting in actinic. I will take a look for you then and see what's happening.


                          The url is:

                          I have attached two screen shots one of actinic showing the where I edited the css and the second online shot with the Firebug showing the dotted_line_blue class just after I had published the changes and showing the colour as #959595.
                          When I did this with my solid_blue class it didn't appear in the css file at all so the line had vanished
                          Attached Files


                            No images attached dude, however your live stylesheet is called 'actinic-styles.css' whereas standard actinic is called 'actinic.css'. So you have either buggered/changed something up or you are suffering the inheritance issues I mentioned.


                              I'd hazard a guess that you are changing things in actinic.css but you have removed the reference to that stylesheet from the design in favour of your own stylesheet which has the incorrect colouring inside. So however many times you check or try it, you are not working on the css sheet actually being used.

