Sorry the files sizes were a little large, I have re-attached them now - see the above post
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v9 and css
Yes, I used the actinic.css in a cut down version to style the pop-up windows but the main windows are all styled by the actinic-styles.css file as this was first set up in the template in DW.
The actinic.css file doesn't have any reference to the dotted_line_blue class so it wouldn't have any effect on the dividers.
And you wonder why things are confused lol? Seriously come on, keep it simple.
When you open up the stylesheet within the actinic application, that opens up actinic.css. However, on the page you point me to, i see no reference to that at all, i see only the new stylesheet. So unless you change the colour in YOUR stylesheet, it will not update as you are making changes in one sheet but uploading another? That's how it looks to me anyway, but it sure is confusing.
Have your stylesheet and have actinic's both on the page OR add your styles to the actinic one, it will work each and every time then guaranteed.
Originally posted by leehack View PostSince V8 there has been no CSS file in the site1 folder, it's in the database, which is why you have to adjust it on the design tab or from within the library. No new feature, been like that for years as i understand. The new feature is the separate stylesheet open button, but that hasn't adjusted its location AFAIK, just the ease at which to get at it.
I have around sixty V8 and V9 sites and not one of them has the actinic.css in the root of the site folder, nor have I ever experienced a problem in this area. This would point to something wrong your end. Perhaps you have it in additional files so it hangs around or alike. Heaven knows to be honest, suffice to say the actinic.css in your site root should not be the one that opens up from the design tab, nor is it the one that gets uploaded unless you have also added it yourself manually.
All IMO of course.
Originally posted by leehack View PostI have around sixty V8 and V9 sites and not one of them has the actinic.css in the root of the site folder, nor have I ever experienced a problem in this area. This would point to something wrong your end. Perhaps you have it in additional files so it hangs around or alike. Heaven knows to be honest, suffice to say the actinic.css in your site root should not be the one that opens up from the design tab, nor is it the one that gets uploaded unless you have also added it yourself manually.
All IMO of course.
When I edit the css in actinic it is the actinic-styles.css file because there are 1247 lines and the actinic.css only has 240 lines.
I can also see the reference to the actinic-styles.css file in the head section of the online page so I don't understand how it is getting crossed up with the other file.
Originally posted by cyberscape View PostWhen I edit the css in actinic it is the actinic-styles.css file because there are 1247 lines and the actinic.css only has 240 lines.
Originally posted by cyberscape View PostI can also see the reference to the actinic-styles.css file in the head section of the online page so I don't understand how it is getting crossed up with the other file.
Add this to your overall template just above where the reference to your stylesheet is and see how easy it all can be.
<link href="actinic.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
No, I was correct first time. I added my additional code to the actinic.css file and saved it as actinic-styles.css according to the Help guide or one of the forums. It was when the styles didn't show in the pop-up windows that I tested the actinic.css file again which worked so I cut out all the surplus template stuff and used that just for the pop-ups.
I know its a long way round and I realise now that it would be better to have a single css file and I am talking myself into merging the two into one.
Originally posted by cyberscape View PostNo, I was correct first time. I added my additional code to the actinic.css file and saved it as actinic-styles.css according to the Help guide or one of the forums.
Anyway, I'm done explaining, it's time to start changing things and stop talking about them. If you spend 10 seconds changing the stylesheet name in firebug you will see that what I say is exactly correct and it will play ball immediately.
This is where I meant when I said save as - It was the Help section in Actinic
Editing the Actinic Stylesheet in Dreamweaver
If you want to edit the default Actinic stylesheet (Using Stylesheets) using Dreamweaver, you can do it as follows.
1. In Dreamweaver go to 'File | New' and create a new basic 'CSS' page.
2. Save this page wherever you want and call it 'actinic-styles.css'.
3. Now go to Actinic and in the 'Design' tab, select 'Actinic Stylesheet' from the 'Select Page Type' list.
4. There should be a layout called 'Actinic Stylesheet' in the layout code window at the bottom. Copy the entire contents of the layout to the clipboard.
5. Now paste this content within your 'actinic-styles.css' file and save your changes.
6. Now in Dreamweaver go to 'Actinic | Register a Design with Actinic'.
7. In the 'Register a Design with Actinic' window that appears, select 'StylesheetLayout' - this is about three-quarters of the way down the list.
8. In the 'Name of the new design' field, call it something like 'Actinic Styles'.
9. Click 'Register'.
Actinic will not look any different, but now the 'Actinic Stylesheet' page will be using 'actinic-styles.css' as its source.
That is exactly what I did.
I changed the reference in firebug to actinic.css and the background image disappeared and the some of the links have changed their appearance
Why not cut through all this confusion and get back to basics.
Take all the css you need from the two files you have and paste it all into actinic.css from within Actinic. Then make sure your layout only references the actinic.css file. Backup and remove any css files you have that are in the Site1 and Preview folders.
Refresh the site and then only make future CSS changes within Actinic.
Originally posted by cyberscape View PostThat is exactly what I did.
I cannot believe that you have gone to this much trouble and through this much writing to change a stylesheet name from:
actinic.css to actinic-styles.css
Seriously OMG.
It will click with you shortly i expect and you will realise that the stylesheet you are changing is not the one styling the site. You are painting the living room of a friend and expecting yours to change colour. That will never happen unless you get Nick Knowles and the boys in while you are out.