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Urgent Help Please - problems with Buy One Get One Free Offer

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    Urgent Help Please - problems with Buy One Get One Free Offer

    My apologies if a similar problem has been solved in the past, but searching returned no similar problems with answers that could help me.

    Basically, we are running our site(s) in Actinic V 9.0.3, and on one of our major sites we wanted to implement a buy one get one free offer, where the cheapest product is offered for free. The relevant product group was set up (all - with all products in) and the offer was set up as exactly according to the Actinic Help file example of how to set up a two for one offer:

    Based on: Trigger Value: 2
    Product Group: All
    % off cheapest
    Reward Amount = 100%

    I tested this before live online the offer was due to go live and it appeared fine. However, since then another member of staff tested it (again live online) and this is where it started behaving unusually.

    Often when I add two products it doesn't offer the cheapest free, and says 'if you buy one more you can get the cheapest free', which would mean my offer Is 'buy two get one free,' which is obviously not what we want. Under other circumstances it tries to give a single cart item away free without other products being added, and on other occasions doesn't mention an offer at all, no matter how many products I add. On other occasions it actually calculates the offer correctly! In short, it's gone crazy.

    To be clear: In between live tests I have been

    a) Purging and refreshing the website
    b) completely deleting all temp internet files and cookies in my browser to ensure no cookies containing old site data are present.

    And also:

    All products are in one group, so separate groups isn't the problem.

    The Discount is set to calculate at the cart stage, but we have tried at the end of the checkout process to similar results.

    We have applied numerous offers before and never had this problem.

    There are no other offers currently live, in fact there are no other offers in the Discounts and Surcharges Tab at all.

    Currently 'one reward per offer' is unchecked but i have tried both on and off. Initially we wanted the 2 for 1 offer to be a rolling thing, so if the customer added four items they would get two free. As it stands, it would be nice to have it work consistently at all!

    So, I am totally at a loss, and have searched this forum and the KB for anything similar to no avail.

    I would really appreciate any assistance from the board, as the offer is mentioned in marketing literature and is now currently supposed to be live! Which could be a problem for our customers who will be faced with either free products, no offers, or offers that do not work correctly!

    If there is any other information you require please don't hesitate to ask.

    Thank you kindly, Chris

    And what's the most important thing you have not told us?


      link?! My line manager would prefer that I don't post one, but... tough I suppose if he wants this offer working properly!


        I tried a couple of product combinations and it seems to be working fine for me.....BOGOF is working as expected.
        Have you got a product example that is not working for you?
        Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
        Ecommerce Digital Marketing

        SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

        SellerDeck Hosting
        SellerDeck Digital Marketing


          Really? Well that is encouraging

          One that was not working was:

          World Cup > History Of England DVD +
          European Cup > Tottenham Hotspur V Anderlecht 1984 UEFA Cup Final DVD

          That seemed to fail each time I tried it.

          Thank you very much for taking the time to have a look for me!


            These two products are the same value. Your trigger is 100% off the cheapest.
            When two items are the same price which one is the cheapest?
            Fergus Weir - teclan ltd
            Ecommerce Digital Marketing

            SellerDeck Responsive Web Design

            SellerDeck Hosting
            SellerDeck Digital Marketing


              Ah! That's breathtakingly obvious! I am ashamed to have not considered it! Is there a work around for this, so that I can get the rule to give a product free in this eventuality?


                This place is getting scarey.


                  On another note, I couldn't help but click on the Rangers adverts but noticed they are linking to an external site ( - thus quite possibly bringing in duplicate content issues (presumably your site is accessible via and


                    Originally posted by grantglendinnin View Post
                    On another note, I couldn't help but click on the Rangers adverts but noticed they are linking to an external site ( - thus quite possibly bringing in duplicate content issues (presumably your site is accessible via and
                    We are using a frame redirect at the moment, so it's actually hosted on the webspace.


                      Originally posted by leehack View Post
                      This place is getting scarey.
                      I can't find any provision in the rules for the eventuality of equally priced products, nor can i think of any other way of setting up the rule to work round this. I considered it when setting up the rule, but as there is no way i can see of putting in the equivalent of an 'if...then' statement, that Actinic would automatically just offer either product free.

                      If not, then how do I do this without ensuring no two products share the same price!?

                      Thanks for the assistance btw


                        Originally posted by chris_mckednric View Post
                        We are using a frame redirect at the moment, so it's actually hosted on the webspace.
                        When you say 'at the moment' I sincerely hope that won't be the case when you decide to go live. Seems the worst case scenario has already taken place.


                          You may have uncovered a bug Chris, if that is true, then that is really scarey lol. Like you say, you'd expect a common sense decision to be made by the rules, I can't imagine you are expected to price each product differently, I really do hope not.

                          Can you confirm that this just happens on the same price products? Are all products included into this offer as I couldn't seem to get any to take up the discount.


                            its a temporary measure until we can get the DNS sorted, or I can get management to attach webspace to the domain.


                              Block the spiders then Chris, otherwise you will end up with a load of results that need reversing, the site is currently getting spidered.

