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Actinic Closes Whilst Uploading

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    Unfortunately its not my call i'm just the guy that's been tasked to get this working.

    Thanks for your help tho.


      I feel very sorry for you then Joseph, you are clearly working with someone that will be difficult to sort this out for. As a last straw, perhaps send him a link to this forum with 'fasthosts' in as the search string to see how large and common the problem is. You could also send him the sentence where Fasthosts themselves say that Actinic cannot work on their servers.

      In trying to save money he is costing himself hours of your time, good luck anyway, hope he sees sense finally for you.


        Fasthosts said (last week):

        It seems we are at the end of how far we can support you, I have seen this problem a few times now as you have detailed:

        The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL. It seems like our servers cannot do what Actinic is wanting them to do, hence the error POST is not allowed.

        I have found no way around this problem myself and have even tried to install Actinic myself getting the same error, with various fixes and research i still cannot find a solution.

        It is a shame some products such as this do not work on our systems, but all of our servers are pre-configured for performance and security purposes, we would not make a direct config change to any servers at a customers request.

        This time I will have to advise you maybe to seek another host who does support and help with Actinic or, considering your own Dedicated solution.

        Sorry for any inconvenience caused, we cannot help you any further with this matter.


          Might be an idea for Actinic to have a word with fast hosts about them getting an `Actinic friendly` server or two.

          Just a thought.
          Football Heaven

          For all kinds of football souvenirs and memorabilia.


            I think they spoke to them recently in fact, on the back of another person struggling IIRC, but as Actinic are a hosting company too, I wouldn't expect them to do too much.


              It enoys me because it so damn intermittant.

              i have uploaded the whole website several times.

              and my boss can't believe that its a host issue because of this.

              it also doesn't go in my favour the fact that we have a fully functioning
              site running actinic that has never had an issue on the fast host server.

              This is all crazy.
              How am i suppose to win this fight


                The forum also has one successful user on fasthosts that i know of, it has 99 people who failed though, I don't think you can do anything else but go with the vast majority and what the hosting company themselves say - I find that part almost inconceivable to argue against.


                  I believe i have resolved the issue just want to try a few more uploads.


                    Originally posted by j2tmax View Post
                    I believe i have resolved the issue just want to try a few more uploads.
                    Still with Fasthosts? If so, ten bucks says you'll be back, tail firmly between the legs


                      Well i hope not but there is something in the back of my mind telling me i will be


                        OK here is an update.

                        I know there is an issue with fasthosts but

                        The problem i have is at the computer.
                        I disconnected from the internet and tried to upload
                        the same problem occurs actinic crashes.
                        Normally when your disconnectted it results in an FTP error
                        this however crashes.
                        Also i tried uploading to a site hosted with netweaver.
                        and experienced the same crash.
                        Also it seems to intermittant to be a host end error.

                        I guess this is me with my tail between my leg.


                          When you say Actinic crashes, does the process (Catalog.exe) stop completely, or does it just disappear from view (ie. minimises but leaves nothing on the taskbar?)


                            It closes complete with no warning.
                            Also something interesting is happening

                            i can upload current page.

                            but i can not publish website as a whole


                              Don't call the Ghostbusters, call Support


                                Joseph, firstly can u delete your double post in the uploads issues sections. It only waters down the results for other people who search
                                Secondly i think this is a common problem.
                                It happens with 1 of my sites that is heavily modified.
                                Here is another thread with others with the same problem.
                                Best thing to do is contact support so they are aware of this.
                                "If my answers frighten you then you should cease asking scary questions"

