I've done this twice by accident when playing. But, when I'm in the design view looking at the layout code, if I right-click one of the blue highlighted variables (sorry don't know if that's the correct word or not) and choose edit appearance, then you get a window pop up giving you the chance to modify it. I've attached a screen shot of what I mean here: http://www.clickaheadltd.com/screenshot1.gif
My problem is that once I've selected a font colour and clicked apply. I can't then remove the colour. I can change it, but not remove it (leave the cell blank).
Any ideas how I can get rid of it?
The problem I now have is that I played with the colour of the add to cart text and now the text doesn't show up properly and HTML code is there instead.
Thanks for any pointers,
My problem is that once I've selected a font colour and clicked apply. I can't then remove the colour. I can change it, but not remove it (leave the cell blank).
Any ideas how I can get rid of it?
The problem I now have is that I played with the colour of the add to cart text and now the text doesn't show up properly and HTML code is there instead.
Thanks for any pointers,