My site - like many I would presume, has a drop down lists at the checkout asking the customer to select where they heard about us. Is it possible to run a report that allows you to see the results of this?
I know you can run a report, for instance, that lets you see how many users have used your coupons and discount, but I can't find where to see a summary of the 'where did you har about us' drop down.
The email summary I automatically get when a customer orders doesn't contain this - just the product and address etc. It would be useful to see each month what % have come from Google, Advert etc.
My site - like many I would presume, has a drop down lists at the checkout asking the customer to select where they heard about us. Is it possible to run a report that allows you to see the results of this?
I know you can run a report, for instance, that lets you see how many users have used your coupons and discount, but I can't find where to see a summary of the 'where did you har about us' drop down.
The email summary I automatically get when a customer orders doesn't contain this - just the product and address etc. It would be useful to see each month what % have come from Google, Advert etc.