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How do I remove the add to cart button & scroll down options?

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    ahh theres that theme again - Atlantic shopping is a great one

    and ermm the smart them, i think i have that on a site somewere although i did rip out the navigation and put something better in


      I just wanted to jump in and say you really shouldn't beat yourself up Heather, compared to the other sites you've linked to I think yours is the most pleasing visually - yeah I know people slam that theme but you've managed to pack a lot of info in and it doesn't look awfully cluttered like some of the others

      The SPP advice is spot on though


        Originally posted by NicolaUK View Post
        I just wanted to jump in and say you really shouldn't beat yourself up Heather, compared to the other sites you've linked to I think yours is the most pleasing visually - yeah I know people slam that theme but you've managed to pack a lot of info in and it doesn't look awfully cluttered like some of the others

        The SPP advice is spot on though
        Thank you Nicola That's really nice of you, I really appreciate that. As you can tell I'm no designer or techno wizz, just learning for myself as I go along, but finding the process ever so complicated.... :-S

        I'm still currently working on SPP, having to do all the descriptions and titles, would you also advice to leave the keywords as it won't make much difference, or is it advisable to put about 5-10 keywords in each section for each product?


          Hello Heather
          I'm with Nicola - your site is good.
          Of course, I'm almost bound to say that as we made three of our sites with Smart before we discovered we shouldn't
          In our defence, at the time, it was the only half-decent 3-column template in Actinic and I didn't know about the nav issue.
          I'd definitely recommend using a designer if you can - Lee did the Mister Gear site with us and it's a huge improvement.
          Failing that - there are several companies that sell Actinic templates and this is much less of an outlay.
          You should be able to export your existing data and import into a template without too much extra work, apart from doing the SPP.
          One thing - I would make your site fixed width rather than flexible as with more and more large widescreen monitors in use now, flexible width sites can look rather odd and disjointed.
          Kind Regards
          Sean Williams

          Calamander Ltd


            Originally posted by Sean Williams View Post
            Hello Heather
            I'm with Nicola - your site is good.
            Of course, I'm almost bound to say that as we made three of our sites with Smart before we discovered we shouldn't
            In our defence, at the time, it was the only half-decent 3-column template in Actinic and I didn't know about the nav issue.
            I'd definitely recommend using a designer if you can - Lee did the Mister Gear site with us and it's a huge improvement.
            Failing that - there are several companies that sell Actinic templates and this is much less of an outlay.
            You should be able to export your existing data and import into a template without too much extra work, apart from doing the SPP.
            One thing - I would make your site fixed width rather than flexible as with more and more large widescreen monitors in use now, flexible width sites can look rather odd and disjointed.
            Thanks for your advice Sean. I would like to get a professional web designer on board however at the moment we are just not in the position to financially, we are barely making a sale a day, if that. We have only been live since May though, but things do seem to picking up lately. An Actinic template might be the best idea, does this incorporate the add-ons such as the tabbed product info on this page: and are there any templates you would specifically recommend?

            So the SPP would have to be implemented all over again, would this include having to redo all the meta descriptions, titles and keywords? That's a lot of work!


              Hi Nicola
              I haven't used any of the commercially available templates, so I cant make any recommendations I'm afraid.
              Norman does some good add-ons and at affordable price:, which you can add to any website design.

              You shouldn't have to re-do the SPP - once that's done it's done. Of course, the fact you have SPP may influence which template you choose.

              Kind Regards
              Sean Williams

              Calamander Ltd


                Originally posted by snooker direct View Post

                So the SPP would have to be implemented all over again, would this include having to redo all the meta descriptions, titles and keywords? That's a lot of work!
                Importing a theme would not affect the product descriptions, depending on the theme you may have to change some layouts.

                The smart theme really suffers in the navigation area and that can be fixed quite easily. This site started of as a smart theme about thirty months ago.

                One word of encouragement, if you are growing naturally expect at least six months before sales really start to take off, we noticed a steep rise in Google robots attention to the site at about six months in, and now stuff gets into Google searches within days. Using Google products is also a great help.


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                  Thanks for your advice Malcolm You say Google products, do you mean adwords and the like?

